"You still sad thinking about Ratna?" he asked me and I shook my head negatively.

"If I keep feeling sad, who would finish the project?" I said and he chuckled.

"Okay if you are going to sleep, tell me. I will go out," I said and he nodded. He went into his study and I continued my work. After a while of doing it, I got tired of my sitting position, so I went to the living room and sat on the sofa. I switch on the TV and played the music channel. Then, I continue my work.

"You haven't sleep?" I heard Sandhya's voice. "Not yet, I have some work to do. What about you?" I asked her.

"I just can't sleep. You know..." her voice turned sad.

"It's okay. It's part of life. You have to be strong now," I said and she looked surprised. "Siddharth told me. If you need a friend, I am always here," I said and she hugged me. I was shocked at first, but hugged her back.

"Thank you and how do you feel? Siddharth told me," she said and placed her hand on my flat tummy.

"It's good. I am just not ready for this. You know, it's all so sudden. So, I don't know how to react," I told her.

"Yeah, I understand. Siddharth is a good man. I have known him for like forever. He was not the type to talk to girls, that's why he's been single for this long. But, he adores you. Just now also, he told me he have never seen a strong girl like you," she said and I smiled.

"Abhi told me the exact same thing," I said.

"Because it is the truth," she said and I smiled again.

"Has he ever....had a girlfriend?" I asked her slowly.

"He and girlfriend? Not possible. He is a workaholic. Last time when we talked about him having a girlfriend, he said he doesn't have time for that," she laughed. But, I cannot join her. He didn't wanted to be in a relationship this quick, and now he is forced into this because of me. Why did I get drunk that day? It is all my fault.

"Hey, its alright. It will fine soon. Honestly, I think he said that because he is too scared to talk to a girl. He is always the shy type of guy and he doesn't dare to approach a girl. But, he said you were different. Just now, he said he has never felt the pull with any other girl as he is feeling with you," she said and I blushed. Shit, I blushed.

After that, we talked for some time. She seemed like a good girl, most importantly, a good friend. She is charming and beautiful, both by looks and heart. I am telling you, the boy who broke her heart have no idea what he is missing on.

"Okay, I am going to sleep now. Don't overwork yourself. You know, you are pregnant, so have a good rest," she said and went to her room. I continued with my work. When I finished the presentation, it was 3 in the morning and I slept at the sofa. I didn't wanted to disturb his sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Harish, "Idiot, where are you?" he asked.

"At home," before he says anything I saw the clock and realized I was late. Shit!!! I cursed myself and went to the bathroom and got ready.

"Siddharth, can you drop me at office? I am on hurry!!!" I asked him but he gave me an apologetic look.

"Sorry Ananya, I promised Sandhya to bring her shopping," he said and I got angry. I just mumbled okay and went outside to book a cab. Is shopping more important than my presentation?

"Sorry sir, I am late," I hurried inside the meeting room and started fixing the projector. Anand shot me an angry look and Harish and Kavya whispered an all the best. I ended my presentation and everyone clapped, probably because I did well?

"Good presentation, Ananya" the MD said and I felt happy. At least all my hardwork didn't go unnoticed.

After the MD left, Harish and Kavya hugged me. But, I felt too tired. Maybe I was exhausted doing presentation till late night. I didn't have enough of a sleep. I just slept like 3-4 hours, which was not enough. I am not alone now. I came out of their embrace and searched for a chair. It was only three of us in the entire room as everyone already left.

"Ananya, what...what are you d-doing?" Harish asked carefully, noticing my discomfort. I heard him, but I cannot answer him back. I couldn't find my voice and everything around me was getting darker. That is it, my eyelids felt heavy and I let it shut on it's own.


I saw Siddharth's worried look when I opened my eyes. I was at the hospital with Sandhya, Harish, Kavya and Abhi around me.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked and Harish came forward and hugged me.

"Thanks to you, you fainted," he said. My hands automatically went to my flat tummy. The doctor entered the room just then.

"Ananya, how are you feeling?" the doctor asked. She was the same one I went to check that day. What was her name again? Sandhya? Not it was Siddharth's friend's name. Her name was something like.... Fine, I don't remember. My head started throbbing and my hands went straight to massage my temples. I noticed my hands were connected to the IV tube.

"My head hurts doctor. What happened to me?" I asked her.

"No, nothing. You just overworked yourself. You shouldn't forget to have meals, no matter how busy you are. You know, you are not alone now. You have to give food to the tiny one inside as well," the doctor gave me a disapproving look.

"And, who is her husband?" the doctor asked and Siddharth came forward.

"You, should take care of her. She missed her dinner and breakfast today. How can you let her sleep like that? She is not having enough nutrients. You didn't follow her to the check-ups either. You might be busy MR, but your wife is more important. I know you are busy with your work, but don't neglect her," the doctor gave a long lecture and he just nodded. He looked like a student who get scolded by the teacher for not finishing his homework.

"You can be discharged this evening and I should see you with husband for the next check-ups," she ordered and I nodded.

"Ananya, why you didn't have dinner yesterday?" Kavya asked.

"I was busy with the presentation. That's why," I said and she gave me a disappointed look.

"Yarr she is exaggerating things, I am not that weak. Come on, don't be sad," I said.

"This is the last warning for you. If I ever know you skipped your meals after this, I will kill you. I am not joking," Harish said and I hugged him. He patted my back and went out to buy me some food. Kavya also followed him.

"You are really lucky. They both love you so much," Sandhya said after they left.

"I know," I said and smiled at the direction they left. "I am sorry for not taking care of you," I heard Siddharth's voice. It was so soft that if he wasn't beside me, I wouldn't have heard him.

"No, that's okay. It's my fault. I should've been more matured," I said and smiled at him. He didn't looked satisfied but I just left it. Yeah, I was still angry at him because....because he cares about his friend more than me.

Was it okay for me to be jealous of his friend? Or am I over-reacting? It's his friend, how can I be jealous of her? Oh my god, please help me!!!! What is happening to me?

If she was bad, then I wouldn't have felt bad. But, she was such a sweetheart. And, she is going through a hard phase, should I be jealous of her?

Then is your life so good? My subconscious scolded. 

So, what do you guys think about Siddharth? He truly feels guilty or not?

What do you think is going to happen after this? When will they both realize their love for each other? Soon!!!

Vote if you liked the chapter <3 <3 <3

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