The end of an era

Start from the beginning

I hadn't realised how young she was until she stood up in front of me. She looked 5, 6 at best.
"Why are you in my home?" she asked.
"Well, this once used to be my home," I answered, ruffling her hair. "What's your name youngling?"
"I'm Emma," she answered.

I smiled at little Emma.
"Where are your parents Emma?" I asked.
"Unpacking downstairs in the shop. They told me to go to sleep," answered Emma, holding her arms out to me. I picked her up and placed her on the sofa. She lay down and snuggled up to the blanket.
"Perhaps you should fall asleep? It is probably way past your bed time after all," I said with a chuckle, remembering how late it was. Or how early it was.
"I was sleeping," she pointed out.

I remembered my rude entrance and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Sorry," I mumbled. I had an idea and smirked. "Lucky charm!"

I threw my yo-yo in the air and it returned to me with a ladybug doll that I had made when I was younger.
"Maybe this will help you fall asleep?" I suggested, handing it to Emma.
"Thank you so much," she said, taking it from me and cradling it with her arms. "I will love and take good care of her."
"I hope so. I made one like this and gave it to a girl who said the same thing," I said with a wink.

I turned to go back to the stairs that led to my old room before she stopped me.
"Who was she?" Emma asked, curiosity getting the best of her.
"A girl called Manon. It was the last time I saw her," I answered sadly, before running into my old room, onto the balcony and jumping off of it, swinging my yo-yo to grab something and pull my along my way.

"What do you mean this is the last time I'll see you? Marinette, I want to stay with you!"

I looked down at the 9 year old girl before me. She knew this would be the last time she'd see me. And I knew too.
"C'mon Manon. We can't disturb Princess... Marinette any longer," said Nadia, practically dragging Manon from my arms.
"No!" wailed Manon. "I want to stay here!"
"Manon. I can no longer babysit you. With me living here, it's harder for your mother to reach me," I said, crouching down to her level.
"Then move back to where you were!" begged Manon, giving me the puppy-dog eyes as she pulled away from her mother.
"I can't do that. It was hard enough for my parents to let me come back to Paris," I said sadly, ruffling her hair.

Manon managed to escape from her mother's hold on her and she wrapped her arms around me.
"But I won't see you again!" she wailed.
"I know. But as long as you remember me, then I'm sure fate will bring us back together again," I said, booping her nose.
"But I want you to keep babysitting me!" protested Manon.

I stood back up and went into one of my art drawers. I pulled out the Ladybug doll I had made a while back and handed it to her.
"This is the last doll I have. Can you take good care of her for me?" I said.
"I will love and take good care of her," said Manon, hugging the doll.
"Come on Manon," snapped Nadia.

Manon wrapped her arms around me once more and I wrapped mine around her as we shared a hug. Manon and Nadia left before I sank down onto the floor.

Thinking about her made tears well in my eyes. She would be twelve, maybe thirteen now. And I miss her everyday.

I found myself at the Eiffel Tower and lay on the cold hard metal. I watched as the sun began to rise, symbolising a new day.

The warm sun rose into the sky, making the sky blush a beautiful pink. The moon faded away like a distant memory. The birds began to sing their song and start their day. Their singing was harmonious and they all worked together to make it peaceful and beautiful. I thought how lucky I was to see this up close.

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