The best moments

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"So some of us won't be staying as long as we had hoped because the schools wouldn't let us," started Sabrina.
"Hey! Don't worry. I didn't expect my whole class to come running back to Paris for me!" I protested, knowing they felt bad.
"We'd do anything for you Marinette," said Chloe with a smile. "It would be ridiculous if someone didn't even show up for the day."
"Thanks Chloe. That means a lot... coming from you," I said with a chuckle.

We packed the picnic up when something began to dawn on me.
"Wait where are you guys staying?" I asked, knowing they couldn't stay with their parents. Don't ask why, but I had a gut feeling telling me that they had just moved out so their parents wouldn't be quick to let them come back.

"About that," said a voice from behind me. I turned my head and Adrien was looking at me sheepishly. "I offered to let everyone stay in the Agreste mansion."
"There's room there? And I thought it belonged to your father," I said with a gasp.
"Remember what happened and why you have nightmares. The mansion went down to me because I'm the next in line to... everything he owns. Nathalie has agreed to help everyone unpack. And yes, there's room. Not for everyone to have their own room but Natalie has sorted that out," explained Adrien, grabbing my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

I felt a blush appear across my cheeks before I thanked him.
"Okay. There is room for three more people in my car and five more people in Chloe's limo," said Nathaniel.
"Head count!" screeched Alya.

We all rolled our eyes, remembering doing a head count every time we went on a school trip.

"Okay. Nino, Max and I will go in Nathaniel's car," said Alya, standing in front of the line we formed. "Sabrina, Rose, Juleka, Mylene and Marinette can join Chloe in the limo. That leaves Adrien, Kim, Ivan, Alix and to either walk or take a taxi."

We all separated from the line and grabbed our stuff from Nathaniel's car. Rose, Mylene, Sabrina, Juleka and I placed our bags into the limo and hopped in.
"Race you there!" I heard Alix yell to the boys as she grabbed her backpack and skated out of the park. The limo began driving.

"So you're really acting?" I asked in disbelief.
"Kind of. I'm helping my mother out with her fashion industry whilst acting," said Chloe with a smile.
"I really like your hair," commented Rose.
"Thanks Rose. I decided that I needed a new look," said Chloe with a smirk. "I like yours too." She pointed to Rose's hair which had now grown to underneath her chin.
"Thank you. I was planning on getting it cut to my old style," said Rose.
"Y'know, I was hoping to have my hair cut into a pixie cut after this is all over," I said.
"I could definitely see you with that," said Mylene, nodding in approval.
"I think you'd look great like that," added Juleka. Chloe nodded and I gave her a smile.

When we arrived at the mansion, Natalie opened the door and flashed me a smile.
"Welcome to your new home for the year girls," said Natalie. "Will everyone else be arriving shortly?"
"Yes. Nathaniel and four others are a few seconds away and the others are coming," I explained, stepping out of the limo.
"Understood. Please gather in the sitting room. Once everyone is here, I will provide you with information on which room you will be staying in," explained Natalie.

Chloe and I linked arms and Juleka, Rose and Mylene also linked arms. We made our way to the sitting room and gasped at the sight.
"I guess Adrikins really does own the place," said Chloe in awe. Everyone separated from the rooms and we looked around.

The rooms has been completely changed from the dull and emotionless colours to ones that made him feel like home. There was a fireplace with three photos on top. One of us all at the interview after returning from China, the one of Adrien and I being crowned and the one of Adrien, his mother and his father. Above the fireplace was a TV. The sofas were a leather black. Around us, there were white walls with a black spiral background.

I smiled at how he redecorated everything. He didn't want to remember his home as an empty place so he changed it and made it a place where people could be happy.

We all took a seat on a sofa. There were three. Rose turned the TV onto Netflix and put F.R.I.E.N.D.S on. Within seconds, Alya and Nino had taken a seat on the other sofa and Marc, Nathaniel and Max sat down on the floor. We all watched intently at how the group got along with each other.

After a few minutes, Alix showed up.
"Where are the boys?" I asked.
"Walking. The slowpokes," she scoffed as she took a seat next to Nino and watched the show.

After about 15 minutes, Adrien, Ivan and Kim has arrived. Rose turned the TV off as soon as Natalie entered the room.

"All of your stuff has been unpacked into the rooms. Everything has been changed, so those of you staying in Adrien's room will barely recognise it. There are five free bedrooms in this house.

"In Adrien's room will be Adrien, Nino and Kim. In the room next to his will be Marinette, Alya and Chloe. Next door will be Ivan, Max and Nathaniel. Next to that will be Mylene, Rose and Juleka. And finally, next door will be Marc, Alix and Sabrina," instructed Natalie. "I will take you to your rooms."

No emotion was present on her face, but I could tell she was excited for this place to be happy and filled with excitement, like it did when Mrs Agreste lived in the mansion.

Natalie led everyone to their rooms and we settled in. It was now 6 o'clock at night.
"Natalie did good. Not putting couples in the same room," said Alya as she flopped down onto her bed.

In our room, there were three single beds. Mine was pink, Alya's was orange and Chloe's was yellow. There was an en-suite bathroom. Mine and Alya's beds were opposite each other and mine and Chloe's were next to each other (an end table separating them). Next to Alya's was an end table the same to ours and next to that was bookshelves. Near the door leading to the corridor was a TV and three bean bags, the colours matching our beds.

"Adrikins prepared for our arrival," said Chloe in disbelief as she sank onto her bean bag. She opened up a boom and began reading.
"Whatcha reading?" I asked, sitting down on my bean bag.
"Fifty ways to ignore your roommate," she said, sarcasm in her voice but you could tell by her facial expression that she wanted to be left alone to read.
"I'll leave you alone if you tell me," I begged.
"It's childish," she said, hiding the book cover from me.
"Come on! Please!" I begged.
"A book called Accidental Superstar," she answered, before continuing to read again.
"What's it about?" I asked. She gave me a look.
"Marinette, leave her alone. You just got her to be friends with you, don't push your luck," said Alya, chuckling as she got her phone out.
"Fine," I said with a frown before getting up and sitting on my bed.

I got a text message from Adrien.
A: How's my princess doing xx

M: Lonely without you. How are you? x

A: It feels like I'm in London and you're in China again xx

M: I'm only one room away drama king x

A: Dinner is served x

M: See you down there then xx

I put my phone on charge and got up.
"Dinner is downstairs," I informed them. Chloe groaned and got up.
"What does it take to read a good book around here in peace?" she asked.
"You could always use the office downstairs," I said with a shrug as Alya, Chloe and I left our room.
"That's where Mr Agreste stayed and it gives me the creeps," whispered Chloe.
"Adrien redecorated the whole place. It might be peaceful there," I suggested as we found our seat at the dining table.

I took a seat next to Adrien and saw the dish prepared.


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