Time to go home

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Marinette wiped away the tears as she waved goodbye to many of her high school friends before stepping inside of the Lamborghini.

It was graduation day and many of her friends were leaving Paris.
"I know you will miss them, Marinette. And I'm sure the ones staying will miss you," sighed Eleanor, with a smile as she started up the engine.

Marinette stared out the window and watched Adrien's car drive away. Then it hit her.
"Wait what?" she cried, blinking away the extra tears and sitting up straight.
"Didn't your parents tell you?" asked Eleanor as the car began driving.
"No," said Marinette, feeling more irritated than sad now. Great way to finish graduation day, huh?

"Oh. You are to return to China this summer to plan your future," explained Eleanor, her smile fading away. Eleanor knew what would be coming.
"But I have my future. I'm going to arts school in London, where Adrien is going to modelling school next to it, Nino is going to the music part of my college and Alya is going to a college closer to our block of apartments. That's what we planned. You even agreed to come with me," protested Marinette.

"I'm sorry my lady. I want more than anything for you to live your dreams in London with all your friends but... your parents told me yesterday the exact opposite," sighed Eleanor, as she turned left.
"This is so typical of them!" groaned Marinette. "Ruining my future because they only think of themselves."

"Don't worry about all of this Marinette," smiled Tikki.
"I just wish they would respect my wishes!" she cried.
"It's a good thing Hawkmoth has been defeated or you'd be akumatized," smirked Eleanor.
"I declined once before, I could do it again," huffed Marinette, a smirk growing on her face.

They arrived at the mansion and parked in the garage.
"You best start packing. Flight is tomorrow!" smiled Eleanor.
"Tomorrow!" gasped Marinette. "But I haven't told my friends! I haven't said goodbye!"
"I'm sorry your highness," sighed Eleanor.

Marinette stormed to her room and grabbed her room. She immediately dialled the group and they all accepted immediately.
"Hey everyone! Have we all decided who is staying with who?" cried Alya. They planned to do either besties, lovers or people who are most likely to never cheat with each other.
"Yup! I pick Marinette," smiled Adrien, blushing a lot.
"Good. I picked Alya," smirked Nino.

Marinette just burst into tears. She couldn't help herself.
"They are tears of happiness, right?" asked Adrien awkwardly, which made Alya chuckle. But Marinette shook her head which made everyone nervous.
"My stupid parents! They are planning my future and want me in China to do so! I can't come to London!" she said, sobbing.

The others frowned and Marinette muted herself as she went to clean herself up. What she didn't know was they were planning to come with her for the summer and convince them not to.

"Sorry about that," laughed Marinette, as she unmuted herself.
"No need. We're all packing," smirked Nino.
"To go to China for the summer and convince your parents to let you go to London with us," finished Alya.
"What?" she gasped. "Thanks so much you guys!"

"Did you get your acceptance letter though?" asked Adrien. Alya nodded. Nino nodded. Adrien nodded and then Marinette nodded. They were all accepted. Now they needed to take down the parents.

"Book first class tickets now!" demanded Alya, as she grabbed her laptop and went onto the flights.

Everyone did the same, except Marinette.

The next day...

The house was packed up. Marinette sat waiting in the first class waiting area. She received a phone call from Eleanor.

"Hey E! Where are you?" cried Marinette.
"I'm sorry my lady. I will not be joining you in China. I have some business to attend to in Russia. I'm already on the plane," smiled Eleanor. Marinette dropped her head after nodding and hanging up.

So, Eleanor wasn't coming with her: the woman she has lived with for a few years. Then, paparazzi walked in taking pictures as Adrien stepped through the door.

Marinette felt her face go hot and flustered as he appeared by her side and wrapped her in a hug. The paparazzi went mad over that, taking photos.

"Adrien!" "Marinette!" "Where are you going?" "Are you two engaged?" "Have you graduated yet?" "What's your future plans?" "Why are you leaving Paris?" The questions just kept coming but eventually Natalie forced them to leave. She gave a small bow to Marinette before hugging Adrien.

Adrien was surprised but hugged back.
"Will you be returning to Paris after your visit to China or will you be going straight to London?" asked Natalie.
"I'm not sure," sighed Adrien, smiling a lot.

Natalie excused herself as she let go of Adrien.
"Well, remember you are always welcome back here,"said Natalie, smiling as well. Adrien nodded and they said their goodbyes before Natalie left.

Alya and Nino stepped in the door and hugged their best friends.
"Where's Eleanor?" asked Alya.
"Not coming," sighed Marinette.
"Oh girl!" cried Alya.

They all boarded the plane and prepared themselves for a 13 hour flight.

Back at it again with The Princess. I know, I know.

I hope everyone who enjoyed the first book is/will enjoy this book.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. (This is a few years in the future by the way).

Stay amazing guys!

The princess returns (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora