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The plane landed swiftly and came into no problems.

Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino got off the plane and we're escorted to a limousine by a bodyguard named Damien.

"I'm so nervous," whispered Marinette, resting her head on Adrien's shoulder as the engines started.
"Don't worry. I'm more nervous," chuckled Adrien softly as he rested his head on hers.
"Why?" asked Marinette quietly.
"Because, I was a temporary prince," whispered Adrien with a smirk, remembering his father's reaction. Gabriel couldn't speak to him for days about it and avoided it at all costs until he let it drop and never spoke about it again.

"How is your father's staff?" asked Marinette, softly.
"Recovering. They miss him but won't admit it, especially Natalie," he whispered, stroking her hand. Marinette made a grave mistake that haunted her everywhere she went and when the press asked about it, she refused to reveal the identity. She knew Adrien would want his father around and she let him down.

"I'll do anything to make sure you still have that smile on your face," she sighed happily. This made him smile.

About half an hour later, they arrived at the palace.
"Welcome home your royal highnesses," said Damien, with no emotions on his face, which reminded them of Natalie and Gorilla.

Adrien and Marinette liked hands and put their suitcases on the trolley.

They made their way up to the throne room as Alya and Nino followed the bodyguard to their rooms.

The huge throne door rooms opened with the king and queen sat in their thrones with two royal advisors stood next to them.

"Leave us," snapped Sabine, as she ushered the advisors away.
"Marinette!" cried Tom, as he stood up and ran to his 18 year old daughter, giving her hugs.
"Hi papa," sighed Marinette, as she let go of Adrien's hand and let herself melt into the hug. She had missed this.

"Now, we must start planning your future here at once," smirked Sabine. Tom pulled away from the hug and took his seat back in his throne.
"Actually about that," started Marinette.

Completely ignoring her, Sabine started telling her how she would have to attend princess sessions with other princesses around the world.
"No mum!" shrieked Marinette, which made Adrien and Sabine jump back in surprise.

"What?" gasped Tom. "I thought you would want to live with us again!"
"Papa, I'm moving to London no matter what. I have been accepted into their art school so I can begin drawing out my designs to be a famous fashion designer," said Marinette with an awkward smile.
"That's where your wrong. Your a princess. Your the heir to the throne," said Sabine, standing up and shaking her head.
"I'm 18! It's decided that I'm going!"
"Have you consulted parental authority?"

And with that, she grabbed Adrien's hand and stormed out the room with him.
"I'll just have to be a normal parent and try and tempt you to stay," sighed Sabine.
"Why couldn't you stay like that?" asked Ton sadly.
"Because! To be a good queen, I must rule like her. Everyone adored her for how she ruled the kingdom," sighed Sabine.
"But they could love you even more for being yourself," said Tom.
"I've been like this for years. It's too late to change. But it's not too late to act so Marinette is prepared for what she had to do."

The princess returns (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now