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The happy group arrived in London and let out a sigh of relief.
"Don't you think we should be worried about the new Hawkmoth in China?" asked Adrien, grabbing his stuff in the storage units.
"Maybe. But I don't think so," said Marinette, shrugging. "Besides, I don't think I could last another minute in that country. Princess this. Princess that."
"Well princess, welcome to London," Adrien said, a smirk tugging at his lips. She blushed a deep crimson and then pushed him away.

After about an hour, they finished their lunch and stood outside of the airport. A woman with short pink hair and tanned skin was holding a sign with the group's names on.
"Girl, your parents beat us to it," said Alya, pointing.
"We could run... act like we never saw her?" suggested Nino, whispering.
"We can't do that. Imagine how this woman would feel," whispered Adrien.
"Guys, it's Eleanor!" squealed Marinette, as she ran up to the woman.

"So much for running," said Nino with a grunt as the group followed their friend. Marinette wrapped her arms around Eleanor and Eleanor did the same.
"Hello princess. Well done for standing up for yourself," said Eleanor with a smirk.
"We had a few bumps along the way," chuckled Adrien, recalling the incidents.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Russia?" asked Marinette, standing up straight and frowning.
"Your parents had a change of heart. They decided Natalia could continue where I started and I would be your personal bodyguard," said Eleanor, a hint of smugness creeping into her voice. "Shall we?"

She pointed to a limousine waiting for them.
"But we're not due to get our apartments until next Thursday," said Alya, looking on her IPad.
"Oh scrap that. Your parents have bought you two apartments," chuckled Eleanor.

"Great. Now they won't even let us decide where we're gonna live," groaned Nino.
"And they'll pay the rent," added Eleanor.
"King and Queen of China! Awesome people. My favourite people. Love them to bits," said Nino, nervousness washing over him.

Everyone laughed at Nino before getting into the limo and being driven to a tall block of flats. The drivers began carrying in their stuff.

"Have you sorted out who's living with who? There are only 2 bedrooms per apartment," asked Eleanor. Marinette and Adrien looked at each other before nodding.

"Great! The receptionists will show you the way," smirked Eleanor.
"Receptionists?" gasped Alya. "In a block of apartments?"

After getting settled in, Marinette stood on the balcony and took in her surroundings. She had a clear view of the London Eye and the sun was setting, making the sky blush.

"Beautiful," said Adrien, coming from behind her.
"I know," she said, letting out a sigh of happiness. Adrien wrapped his arms around her and they watched the sun set together.

Sorry for short chapter. Also sorry that I haven't updated this in a while!

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