Candidates // The Return

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Marinette walked down to the throne room the next day and what she saw took her by surprise.

Three young men, roughly her age maybe a little older, were stood in a line and Sabine sat on the throne with a smirk.

"Oh great," groaned Marinette. "What's all this?"
"These are the three candidates that I have chosen to be your king for when you marry," explained Sabine, staying where she was on her throne.

Marinette rolled her eyes and circled the first one. He had short dark hair and brown eyes, a scar over his left eye and wore a black tuxedo. His hair was combed back into a formal style.

She stopped circling him and looked up.
"Hm... too risky. Dangerous more like. The scar over his left eye suggests fights and I am a peaceful person," said Marinette, with a hint of sass in her voice.

She circled the second candidate.

He had green eyes and bleached blonde hair. His hair was long and pulled back into a ponytail. He wore a classical French suit but had a limp in his leg and a ring on his finger.

She stopped circling him and looked at him. He was the same height as her.
"Married. I would not accept being a mistress or the wife ending up being a mistress. Wearing a classical french suit suggests he thinks he can impress me with my culture, which he does not," sighed Marinette, snapping a little.

She began circling the third candidate. He wore a smart suit with no tie or bow tie. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was tall and wore normal clothes. He had one earring in one ear and his jeans were ripped. He struggled to stand straight and had bad breath.

"Nope. He smokes, regularly by the looks of it. He looks like a random person dragged off of the streets by the style of his clothes. His earring looks forced in so he couldn't afford to ghet it done properly," sighed Marinette, as she stopped circling him.
"Damn girl. Why you gotta be so rude like dat?" whined the third guy.
"Excuse me. I am the princess. Although, I honestly don't care how you address me as this is pointless. Where is dad?" groaned Marinette.

"Attending business, business that needn't worry you," sighed Sabine, as she stood up from her throne. "You may leave now boys." They obeyed their queen and left Marinette to face her mother.

"That was low. Even for you," hissed Marinette, folding her arms.
"I'm trying to make you a great ruler like my mother was. Why must you make it so difficult?" sighed Sabine, sitting back down.
"Because I can be a great ruler my own way. And you won't die whilst I'm away at design school. I just want things to go back to the way they were," pleaded Marinette.

Sabine looked down sadly. She didn't want to admit that she missed those times but she had to do what was best for her daughter. After all, she had missed her training due to running away with Tom.

"Marinette..." Sabine blinked back her tears and coughed. "I-I'm sorry."

"Save it. Me and my friends are getting the first flight to London. I don't know why I didn't just refuse in the first place. I am 18 after all," scoffed Marinette as she turned and left.

"What have I done?" whimpered Sabine. A black butterfly landed in her crown.
"Queen Justice. Aren't you tired of your daughter defying you all the time when your trying to give her what's best for her? Don't you wish you could make her listen without defiance? I could help you. All I need are her and her lover's magical jewels. Can you do that for me?"

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