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Hi everyone! Before we start with this introduction stuff, I wanted to talk about some things. First, I wanted to make a Naruto fanfic with a more dark and mature theme to it. I kind of wanted to explore outside my boundaries and see what kind of stuff I could come up with.

So definitely be aware that mature themes will be in this book. Such as sexual, suicidal, gore, age_gap (Since Kakashi and more adults older than Eve will probably be a Yandere.), rape or implied rape, and some more which I will warn you of at the beginning of every chapter.

Secondly, I am not a professional writer, so I will make grammar mistakes every once in a while. Or some things will come across weirdly since most of the time, I have no idea how to type my ideas or write my ideas down properly. So please do not comment hate, cuz it isn't gonna do anything but waste your time.

Thirdly, I am going to try to update, at least, once every week. But I can't promise that due to everything going on right now. But I will definitely try my best.

Lastly, I hope you enjoy this book~!

Ţ̷̧̡̧̛͓̭͖͈͚͙̻̮͙̼̮͚̺͓̯̳͎̲̩̤̰̤͓͚̘̞͗̀͒̂̐̂̈́̄̀̅̉̔͐̑̃̂͐̈́̉̉̏̆́͂́̐̀̚̚͜͝͝h̵̡̧̧̛̯̹̥͍̼͓̻͔̺̫͍̪̠̘̗̀̒͛̓̓͊̍͋́̃͂̅͛̒͛̅̉̿̉̃̃̄̃̾̓̋́̉̍́͊͆̎̍́̐͘͘͠͠͠ͅĩ̸̡̤͎͐̅̽̕͜s̵̛͎̺͕̫̬̆̏̈̆̌͋͊́̆́̓̍̈͊́͛͒̏̋̈̋̏̎͗͒̈͛͋̉̐͌̎̈́́̽̈́̚͜͠͝͝͝ͅ ̴̨̡̧̛̦̻̗̹̣͓̤̪̩͇̳̥̙̯͈̗̗͕̣̰̗̫̪͂̀͑͛̏̂̉̆̃̂͑̋͂͜i̵̡̨̫͔͓̞͈̞̓̃̒̔͛̍̎̅̽̓̓́̆͒̅̿̄̀̈́̒̉͊̈̌̈́̉̈̅́͛͋̕̕̕͜͝͠͝ͅs̸̭͇̹͙͔̩̟̮̊́͝n̸̨̨̫̰̭̞̲̟̻̞͎̖̤͓̬̟̞̹͓̯͚̅̉̑͜'̶̧̢̡̧̹̥͚̯̮̙̼̰͙͇̯͎̬̼̯̣̜̝̩͈̺͉̖͚̩͆̃̓̉́͊̾͗̎̇͂͊̅̑́̄̄͋̀͗͌̓̆́́̄͌͂̋͂̐̚͝͝͝͝ͅͅt̴̙̠̥̻̣̗̜̰͓̹̱̤̳̫̹͕̪̻̳͉͖̰̫̰͎̙̘̹̟̣͔̹̤̱̄̎̈̌̔̎̇̒͒̌̒̀̐͐̇́ ̴̡̧̡̡̢̛̛͓͇̤̦͔̙̥̘̘̜̪̘̲̫̲͓̱͓̭̦̝̪̩̣̮̈̍̓̈́́͊̈́̇̀̎͗̇͗͋̿̀̀̒̿̽͂̒́́̐̾̉͒͗̈́̕̚̕͜͜͝ͅw̸̡̧̛̛̝̺̗̩̳͍̦̯̦̮͉̱̺̙͕̱͔̟͐͑͗̿̔̂̾̈́̓̇̉̓̍̉͊̓͆͊͗̆́̓̊̑̈́̀̒̒̐͗͗̚͘͝͝͠͝͝͠͠h̷̨̢̨̢̰̼̣͈̮͓̩̻̤̼̯͙̥̰͔̣͉̗̳̣̞̥̮͖͖̻̤̝͎͚̘̥͈̗͖͚͒͛ͅä̸̢͙̲̗̱̰͚̟͓͖͎̟̤̟́̍̐̔̈̎̓͑̄̿͂̏͐̏̊̉̏̐͐̋͘t̴̨͉̱͇̮̗̼̝͙̭̙̹̞̠͍͉̻̙̻̹̠̗͇͔͈̥͆̃͋̈́̌̋̌̓̐̾͆͌̚̚̚͜͜͜͝ͅ ̸͉̰̆͒̋̽̐̀͆̏́͋͑́̌͂͗̾̈̑͛̽̔̕̕̚̕̕͜͠͝͝I̵̡̡̧̡̢̟͚̱͍̫͖̠̱̠̝̞͕̬̫̦̘̬̤̬̗̼͎͈̙̳̗̻͍̯̥͕͋̊̓́͌̋́́̾͆̈́̾̔́̊͊̀̋̕͘̚͠ ̵̨̛̦̳̫̜̤̜̼̙̰͇͆̈́̾̈́̈́̈́̓̀̽̈͛̾͒̔͐̆̓̂͐́̕̕͜͜w̴̧̡̢̨̡̰̹̣̭̘̝͕͓̰̤͚̠̣̲̜͖̻̹͍̺̹̯̞͍͙̅̾̃͒̀̓͂͛͗͋̄̑̀̅̿́̒̽̍̊̎̀͐̔̿́̌͛̊͐͜͝͠ä̸̢̫̰̦̬̎̿͂͂̎̈́̒͂̊̂̿͝ň̴̢̮̳̫̠̖̱̫̅͆̅͜͜͜ͅţ̶̡̡̢͕̬͔̳͚̹̙̭̠̜̫̫̠̙̘͈̺͓̮͔̲̲̰̼̭͖͕̣͔͙͉̻̑̀̿̒̓͌͒͘͜͜͜ͅͅe̸̡̡̡͔̣̪̦͉͕̠͖͎̟̠̭̟̙͉̦͂͑̽̈́̐̎͝d̵̡̧̧̡̫̙͙̱͍̮̤̰̭̹̞̭̯̥͓͖͇̤̳̖̳̪̗̮̰̍͊̑̐̎̉̾̐̿ͅͅ.̸̧̛̛̛̙̦̯̳̝̠̳̬̯͇̆̀̆͌̈́̓̿͗͛͊͛̆̓̔̐̒̐͒̑́̅̃̇̋́̃̉͋̀̉̚͝͝͠͝

Eve was cursed.

When Eve was born, a demon accidentally cursed her while trying to curse her mother.

This curse makes everyone hate her. No matter how kind, how loving, how selfless anyone is.

Everyone will always hate her.

T̵̛̩̥̘̩̬̤͍̓͒́̔́́̀̓̿̌̚ḧ̵̼̼̰̆́̃̉̀̄̇̽̆̓̈́͑̀̕̕͜ì̷̢̻̝̥̼̙̣̦̻̙̣͈̭͕̖̮s̸͇̺͇͔̖̠̦̼͉̹̠̭̏͐̈́͆̃̔ͅ ̴͔̼̼̫̪͍̣̗̗̻̘̗̀̒̃͐͛ͅḯ̸̛̛͍̪̱̣̺̣̠̖̤̖̬͋̎̾́̈͜ͅs̶̯̜͝n̷̫̗̟̙̰̜̜̱̟̅̓̄̓̍̇͒̆͒͂͘'̶̢̞̹̠̜̥͖͈̫͓͙͐̔͐̌̃̌̾͘ṱ̴̜̩͂̃͛͌̈̐͗̋͘͝͠ ̷̢̨̞̮͕̘̘̪̰̠͈͚͍̀͂̌̒̓w̸͎̲͊h̸̢̨̭̘̗͇̗̳̱͌̾̒̀̀̒͐̇͘͝ͅͅa̸̧̰͓̺͖̺̫͈̟̟̝̲͚̪͓͊͐̈́̽̓̎͒͂̌̅͛̀͌̕͠ţ̴͔̭͗ ̸̧͔̺̮͎̯̬͉̜̳̮͂̇́̇̒̀͠I̸͙̠̐̓̓͆͒̿̊͌͗͆͝ ̷̧̢̗̗̺͎͙̙̮̪͍̙̀̿͗̅̉̈́̽͊w̸̧̨͚͚̦̗͎͉͓̠̟͚͈̆́̐̆̽͒̊́͂͑̀̚͘͜ͅą̵̡̡̰̭̦̗͇̦̞̺̮̹̱̪̳̆͋̃̉͆͋̏̒̆͆͜͝͝n̶̢̛̟̟̫̺̪̫̦̭͖̝̰̣͇͍̈́̐͊̓̈́͜͝ţ̵̢̧̘̺̪̗͕̻͍͚̥̊e̸̺͔͈͖̽͒̉̉͋̿͒̽̈̉ḓ̷̢̨̬̤̫͂̒̌̐̉̒̃̈́̓́̍͌̐ͅ

All her life, she had no one that loved her. That wanted to protect her. That wanted to be there for her.

She had no friends, no family, no one.

Eve only ever wanted to be loved. To have friends and family.

T̶̬̪̥̪̯̈͜͜ͅh̶̰͂ị̵͙̫͕͙̈́̚s̸̡̹͎̹͆̍ ̸̡̡̤̮̎į̶̥̤̰̫̣̟̞̾̊̄̅̈̅s̵̡̄́́̐n̴̨̫͈̦͂͛̉̃͐̇'̴̥̝̞̜̼̮̳͚̽̑̇͗͐̾̃͘ṯ̷̨́̍̈́͠ ̷͔̬̜̬̼̅̚w̵͎̳̘̰̳̆̿̀̈̈h̴̼͚̭̏̊̎͛̒a̷͉͍̫̰̗̲͍͊t̶̠̥̓͆̓̃̀̕͝ ̵̧̼̍̂͋͂͐͛Ȋ̷͈̽͑̆̾̕ ̴̖͙̺̞͚̀̄̓̔w̴͖͖̱̮͉̜͙̎ͅâ̸̍ͅn̷̫̹͎͆͗̇͑̾͝t̴͓͉̲͇̰̯̏̓̑̆̀ê̷̡̮͎͍̳͂͝d̴͕̖̬̥͖̘̍̽́͑̕.̷͇͙̫̠̄

On Eve's 18th birthday, a bunch of people burned down the abandoned apartment building that Eve was staying in. Resulting in her death.

A demon appeared before her, the same demon who cursed her and made a deal with her. He would grant Ava one wish, but in return, she would have to do something for him.

What did she wish you asked?

She wished to wake up in a place where she could be loved and cared for by everybody. Where she could be strong and prove she is worth something.

The demon warned her that every wish has a bad side to it and asked her if she still wanted to continue the deal despite the risk.

Eve said yes.

Ẅ̴̩́͝h̸̢̝̊͋̆̿a̶̲͛̅t̵̡̖̋̈̒ ̶̨͎̅͌͋a̶̡̰͖̿͋̌ ̵̥̭̈́̎̅̏f̵̫̭͎̍̂̋̾ͅo̶̰͎̤̹̎̇͠ǫ̸̳̈͆l̶̝̩̖̎̍̽̕.̷̙͙̳̈́̎

(Being Rewritten) Cursed to be Loved (Yandere!Various!Naruto x OC)Where stories live. Discover now