Pros and cons

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When Amy, Billy and Lewis arrived at Hawkins pool it was around lunch time, the pools busiest time of the day, "il to get our paperwork babe you walk Lewis around, il see you soon princess", Billy said before pulling Amy in for a long romantic kiss, "love you Hargrove" she called out as he walked off in the distance, making Billy blow her a kiss.
"You really love that guy huh?" Lewis asked as they walked off towards the pool, Amy smiled like a kid on Christmas morning, "I do, he has a reputation around here, I'm sure you will hear all about him, but he's totally different around me, he takes care of me and makes me happy", Lewis nodded in response, Amy felt like she said something to upset him but she didn't wasn't to push it.

They reached the pool area which was crazy busy, Lewis was in his element as he eyeballed all the girls in bikinis, Amy noticed Karen Wheeler walking towards her, 'god I despise this woman' she thought to herself but had to stay professional, "Amy! How nice to see you, are you doing a class today?" Karen asked as she stood there in her bikini and high heels, Lewis was looking anywhere but at Karen, "um no not today Mrs Wheeler, me and Billy came by for our timetable today and we brought my cousin Lewis here to have a look around, he's new to town", Karen moved so she was directly in front of Lewis, "so nice to meet you Lewis, I hope you enjoy your time here in Hawkins", he just smiled at her and said "thanks, um Amy who is that?" He asked as he pointed over to the brunette on the lifeguard tower, "oh um that's Heather".
Amy and Karen looked at eachother in shock as Lewis just took himself off to the bottom of the lifeguard tower.

Karen walked off back to her sun lounger as Amy just watched Lewis from the other side of the pool, he was leaning against the lifeguard tower flirting with Heather!, she was clearly enjoying herself, she was twirling her hair and giggling at him.
Amy felt two big hands snake around her waist, "missed you beautiful.....what are you looking at?" Billy asked her as his head was nestled in her neck kissing it sweetly, "Heather has an admirer" Amy said still watching her cousin, Billy looked up and began talking before he realised what Amy meant, "what do you.... oh shit!",the pair watched in amazement and after a few more minutes Lewis started walking back to them.
Billy kept a hold of Amy's hips and guided her out of the pool and towards his car.

When the trio left the pool they headed straight to Amy's house to meet the rest of her friends as planned, "um Amy, I hope you don't mind, I invited Heather tonight, she finishes in an hour and said she will come straight over", Amy looks at Billy who was less than pleased, he looked at Lewis with an angry glance through the rear view mirror, "you did what! Do you not think that's rude? ...Man, fuck sake" Billy couldn't help it, it just came out.
Lewis was shocked at Billy's response, "dude, what's your problem with her?", he asked, Amy could feel the tension, "Nothing, it's not that we don't like her, we see her all day at work and well, she's a tad weird is all" Amy spoke up before Billy had a chance, Lewis looked concerned, "weird how?", Amy looked at Billy who shrugged his shoulders and pulled a face as though to say 'I don't know or what ever'.
Amy took a deep breath before turning to face her cousin, "ok, so Heather and Billy may have slept together and she may have been a little obsessed, but it's ok!, we cleared it all up and are ok now!, I'm just not sure if it's an inviting her to hang with us kind of ok?".

Amy looked between Billy and Lewis, Billy was silently laughing as he looked straight at the road and Lewis was sat with his mouth open, she waited for a reply from him, but it didn't come, "she's a really nice girl if that means anything", Amy spoke up feeling bad for telling him the truth, she should have lied, Billy placed his hand on her thigh making her look at him, he simply shook his head, Amy didn't know if he was telling her to not feel guilty or for her to leave the conversation, she thought both sounded like a good plan though, the car ride went very quiet after that.

A few hours later the group that consisted of Amy, Billy, Lewis, Nancy, Jonathan, Jenny, and against Billy's pleads Jenny brought Steve along.
The group were sat out in the porch in couples apart from Lewis, they were all laughing and joking when Amy's mom popped her head around the corner, "sweetly there is a girl at the door", Amy was ready to stand up when Lewis jumped in front of her, "no il go!" He shouted before heading to the door.
This gave Amy chance to explain to the group who it was and why she was here, "hell no! You can not allow this! After what she is to you Amy!" Jenny called out to protect her best friend, "no I think it's a great idea!" Nancy said as she moved on to the edge of her seat, "yeah things have been good for a while now but imagine not having to wonder, if Heather was happy with a new love interest she won't pay any attention to you two" Nancy smiled at her best friends, "that's actually a pretty good point!" Billy called out, he didn't usually speak much during these gatherings so Amy knew he must mean it.

Before anyone could say anything else Lewis came around the corner with Heather, "hey guys, I guess you all know Heather?", he had his hand on her hip guiding her to the group, they all clear her called out "hey!" Or gave her a wave, Billy did neither.
The group chatted for a the rest of the evening, about movies, music, gossiping about other people in town and work, they had a really fun evening.
Lewis left about 30 minutes ago as he wanted to walk Heather home, they were all talking about how cute they look together and the pros and cons of Heather and Lewis been in a relationship until Mrs Myers popped her head out of the porch door, "Nancy honey your mom has called and asked if you and Jonathan can pick will and Mike up from the Henderson's house", Nancy smiled up at her from her seat, "thank you Mrs Myers", Amy's mom went back inside as Nancy and Amy stood up, "Il call you tomorrow Amz ok?" Nancy said to her best friend as they hugged, Jenny was the next to stand up, "yeah I think we will get off too Amy", again the two hugged before Jenny and Steve headed out to his car, followed by Nancy and Jonathan, leaving Amy and Billy.

"I best go pick up shitbird, although I'd rather stay here with you" Billy said as his arms snaked around Amy waist making her laugh, "Billy do not call her that! She is an angel", she turned around to face him, "yeah she's alright but I like spending time with you so, so much more" Billy whined, Amy leaned in and kissed him softly, "how about you take Max home, then come back and stay the night here, we haven't spent much time together today and I miss feeling your hands on me", Billy gave her a deep laugh, "if only you knew how much I want you right now" he pulled her closer and onto his lap, squeezing and rubbing her ass as he kissed her, after a few minutes of making out Amy broke the kiss, "she will be waiting baby, go for her and hurry back", she stood up off his lap, making him copy her actions reluctantly, she kissed him one last time and started heading inside but she stopped at the door and whispered "il be waiting for you Billy", she walked off shaking her ass a little more than normal knowing he was watching, which he did until she was out of sight then he ran around the front of the house to his car before speeding down her street like a mad man, Amy heard the engine down the street and laughed out loud at her crazy boyfriend.


Thank you for reading still guys!
I appreciate every one of you! X

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