Say what now?!

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The next morning when Amy woke up she leaned over Billy to see the clock, it was 6am, she hoped she would have enough time to sneak in before her mom woke up for work, she usually woke at 7.

She shook Billy a few times but he didn't budge, looking over at him she smiled as she thought of a plan he would probably like, she climbed on top of him and began kissing he's jaw, down he's neck, over he's chest and back up the other side to he's ear, she stopped and looked at him, 'how is he still asleep!' She thought, she started kissing he's cheek and nibbled on he's bottom lip, still nothing! She sat up still straddling him, "babe come on I need to sneak back in my house!" A smile crept on to Billy's face, "iv been awake since you leaned over me to check the time doll, Just enjoying your efforts to wake me" he said before grabbing her ass cheeks, "I could wake up to that every morning"  Amy put her hands on her hips "Billy Hargrove you sneak!".

The pair were laughing, Billy pulled her down and into he's side so she had her back to him, "can't we just stay like this all day" she said into her neck, "ugh I wish I could I really do but you have work this morning and I need to sneak home!", she rolled over so she was facing him, "but I'm not at work today so how about you come over when you finish, il have the house to myself" she said whilst twirling he's hair around her finger, "I like the sound of that, you could show me some of your stretches huh?" He winked at her suggestively, causing her to laugh, "I knew you wanted to join in, I knew it".

She backed up and got out of the bed walking around in her underwear, it felt so natural around Billy, "shit babe your body is amazing, I can't get enough of it!", Amy loves to mess with Billy, and tease him, she picked her skirt up off the top of the dresser and 'accidentally' dropped it on the floor "thanks babe" she smiled back at him before bending over for the skirt, she heard a deep, "mmhm" leave Billy's mouth, she stood back up and looked over her shoulder at him, he was biting he's bottom lip, "you ok there Billy?" She asked, "I'm just amazing Amz, amazing" flashing her he's cheeky smile.

After they got dressed Billy drove Amy back home, the drive back was short but sweet, they held hands all the way there, Billy's hand on the bottom so he could still change gears.
When they pulled up Amy's moms car wasn't there, "oh she's already gone to work, could have stayed in bed afterall" Amy said smiling over at Billy, "still coming over after work?" She asked him leaning in for a kiss, "you know it angel" Billy said before he kissed her, they lingered a while in the kiss before Amy broke it, "il see you in a few hours handsome" Amy got out and waved to him as she walked to the door, Billy slowly pulled the Camaro out of the drive before speeding off down the road.

When Amy went in she immediately showered and changed her closes seen as she still had last nights on, when she had finisbed she did her hair and make up before calling Jenny.
Hey Jen it's me
Oh hey girl you ok? What's new?
Mmm nothing much, you doing anything today? You want to come over? Have lunch and a movie?
Oh yeah sounds good you calling Nancy?
Yeah i can ask her, she will probably be with Jonathan but can ask, I will probably ask Heather too she doesn't seem to have many friends, you ok with that?
Yeah of course she seems cool, ok so I'm going to get ready and I'll be over in about an hour?
Sounds great J see you soon!

Amy hung up the phone and called Nancy but Mrs Wheeler said she was already out
So she called Heather, luckily she answered.
Hey Heather it's Amy do you want to come over for lunch and a girly movie day? Jenny is coming too.
Oh that's so sweet thank you for asking, Yeah il come over I don't have work until this afternoon.
Oh great, well Jenny is coming in around an hour so when ever you are ready.
Cool il see you soon!

Amy just mulled around the house until her friends arrived.
When the door bell rang Amy ran to the door to greet them, Jenny and Heather were stood there holding potato chips and soda, "heeey!" They all shouted.
The girls all went inside and sat on the couch while Amy put a movie on, she chose the never ending story.
Before they pressed play they sat and had a catch up, "so what's new girls" Jenny asked, "not much just work work work these last couple of days" Heather answered, "yeah I know your pain" Amy agreed with her, "hey you can't complain, iv heard a rumour that you have the hots for Billy?" Heather asked, Jenny's eyes shot to Amy, "oh um yeah i suppose I do, it's fun, not going to lie, just annoying seeing the desperate moms club drool all over him" Amy said rolling her eyes at the thought of them all starting him, "come on Amy can you blame them, He's Billy frickin Hargrove! But yeah if he was still mine I wouldn't like it either. I don't like to share" Heather said before picking up a bag of chips.

Amy and Jenny looked at each-other like 'what the hell!', "you and Billy were together" Jenny's asked her, "well no, yeah I mean we've just been sleeping together for like ever, nothing serious he doesn't do serious" Amy felt her heart break instantly, "lucky you, when did you last sleep with him?" Jenny asked, realising Amy's heartbreak but knew she wouldn't ask, "oh god um about a week ago maybe more, iv been so busy at home with my dad been sick and I don't think Billy is himself he's not been he's usual flirty self these days, anyway enough about my sex life" she laughed, "we putting this movie on?" Heather got up grabbed the tv remote and turned the movie on.

They got about 20 minutes into the movie when Jenny noticed that Amy wasn't even watching it, she was just staring into thin air, she needed to get Heather to leave, but how?.
She sat there for another 5 minutes until she thought of a plan, she went into the kitchen for a 'drink', when she was in there she looked around for something heavy...... 'the bar stool' she thought and threw it on the floor, then herself.
"Ok time for the drama" she thought "oh god Amy! Help me I think I broke my arm!", Amy and Heather came running into the kitchen, "oh my god Jenny are you ok?" Heather asked, "no, my arm is totally broken! Amy can you take me to the emergency room, I know you have work Heather" Jenny said, "yeah sure il grab my shoes" Amy went to get her shoes while Jenny was still on the floor, Heather walked over to her and helped her up, "man I hope your arm is ok! Get Amy to call me when you get back" bringing her into a careful hug, "thanks Heather!", Amy walked back into the room and said a tense goodbye to Heather as she left.

When Jenny knew Heather was fully our of the house she sat back down on the bar stool, "finally" resting her head in both of her hands, Amy looked at her confused "so no broken arm?", Jenny laughed, "um no I just had to get her to leave, are you ok babe?", Amy ran into Jenny's arms and just sobbed.
After a few minutes she stopped, "I don't know what to think! He hasn't told me about her, but then we've been doing this 'thing' for about a week now, has he stopped with her because of me? Or just coincidence?" Amy began waking around the kitchen arguing with herself about what was going on, "Amz you need to talk to him that's the only way you are going to find out" Amy sighed in frustration 'why couldn't things just be simple' she thought, "he's coming over after work, will you stay with me until he gets here J?" Jenny smiled and pulled her into a hug, "babe you don't even need to ask me!".

While the girls waited for Billy to show up they watched the rest of the movie they chose earlier and ate all the chips.
It was nice spending time with Jenny on her own but Amy was dreading the conversation with Billy.
Then the door bell rang.........


Hey guys hope you are enjoying the story!
Sorry it's been a while, I knew where I wanted the story to go I just struggled getting to this point! But I'm there now, hopefully be easy for here on!

Thank you for your reads and votes!! Xx

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