The watcher

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It was a week after the lake party, Heather had been quiet since, probably from the embarrassment!.
Amy and Billy had been spending more time together, mostly because Neil got a promotion at work and was earning more money, so he was taking Susan and Max out for nice meals, day trips, but this weekend they were away for the whole weekend leaving Billy at home as usual.
He didn't mind though he would rather spend a weekend in he's shit hole of a house than spend a weekend in a 5* hotel with Neil and Susan, he secretly would like to spend more time with Max though, since Amy and Billy had been spending more time together she had been inviting Max along, Regardless what it was, a movie in the living room, ice creams at scoops or a drive to the store for snacks and Billy was getting used to the brat been around.
This weekend though was all about Billy and his girl.

Friday rolled around and the Hargrove/Mayfield trio were packing the car up for their weekend trip to Toledo, Billy and Amy were stood at the door of the Hargrove house ready to wave them off.
Susan and Max buckled up while Neil put the last bag in the car before walking over to the couple on the steps, "ok I'm not going to act like I was never 18 ok, but I swear to god, you drink my whiskey, trash my house or.." he leaned in and lowered he's voice but made it deeper, more aggressive, causing Billy to hold on to Amy a little tighter, "...or fuck in my bed, I swear I will break your legs", Neil said not taking an eye off of Billy, in response Billy gave a nervous, "yes sir", Neil nodded at the couple before getting in the car and reversing it out of the street.
Max was leaning up against the rear window waving like a crazy person to her brother and his girlfriend.

Once in the house alone Amy proceeds to walk in the kitchen before Billy grabs her by the hips and rests his head on her shoulder, "so, the plan, 1- fuck my insanely hot girlfriend on my asshole fathers bed", Amy let out a gasp, "No!, Billy, He will kill you!, not on he's bed", Billy let out a laugh, "first off I love how you think, thinking of my safety first, thank you, but you also aren't saying no to me fucking you, just not on Neils bed?", Amy jumped into Billy's arm, wrapping her legs around he's toned abs, "would I ever say no to my amazing, hot and talented boyfriend? Come on baby take me to bed".
Billy began kissing her as he carried her to he's bedroom, they spent the rest of the afternoon in bed only leaving the comforts and warmth of the covers for drinks and to pee.

Amy kissed Billy on the lips before climbing over him, "gotta pee babe, il be right back, you need anything?", Billy adjusted on the bed before answering, "il have a water please", Amy nodded as she headed out of the door.
She walked down the quiet hallway and into the bathroom, 'it's so weird walking around in my underware and Billy's kiss T-shirt, sat peeing with the door open' Amy thought to herself and letting out a little chuckle.
When she finished on the toilet she washed her hands and headed for the kitchen.

She opened the fridge and reached in to grab two waters, sneaking a look at what snacks the Hargroves had, but nothing took her eye so she stood back up and closed the door, as she turned around she saw a figure at the kitchen window, Amy let out a blood curling scream and within seconds Billy was running into the kitchen, but by the time he got there the figure had gone.
Amy was in a mess on the kitchen floor, she was terrified, Billy comforted her for a second to make sure she was ok and wasn't hurt, before asking her what happened, "someone outside" is all she could say. Once he was confident she was ok he ran outside to the window to check they had completely gone.
He looked around the yard but it was empty only the usual car parts, trash cans and rubble scattered around, he was about to head back inside to his girlfriend when his eyes caught something on the floor under the window, he looked and it was a piece of paper, he carefully unfloded it to find a short yet chilling message.

I'm watching,
Isn't that what you wanted?

Billy looked at the paper for a moment trying to figure out who could have left this message and what it meant?
Then it dawned on him, "no! That crazy bitch", Billy was startled when he heard a timid voice behind him, "who baby? Are they gone?".
Billy got up from the floor and looked at his terrified girlfriend, he took her back inside and tried to make her as comfortable as possible, he decided not to tell her about the note, for now, he wanted to confront Heather himself.
Billy and Amy went into the living room, they watched movies all night and cuddled on the couch, There was no way he was going to be letting her out of his sight after this, he planned to see Heather tomorrow at work as it was Amy's day off and she had planned to spend it with her friends, but tonight he was trying his best to keep her calm and happy,


Hi guys sorry it's late but it is finally here!!
I hope you enjoy it!
I wanted it to be longer but I wanted it up tonight and I am laid in bed finishing it off and my eyes are closing!
I work in a school and I am falling asleep thinking about my class tomorrow and I was typing the children's names! Haha!

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