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The day after the group met at the diner, Amy woke up to the burning sun shining through Billy's bedroom window, she rolled over to look at the clock, 10:08am it read, throwing herself backdown on the pillow she felt Billy move next to her, "morning baby" she whispered as she moved closer to him, he's muscly arms snaked around her stomach, "mm good morning beautiful, waking up next to you never gets old", he whispered into her ear before kissing her neck, "I know, Neil has strangely taken to me staying the night quite well", Billy shrugged just shoulders, "yeah, because it gets me out of his hair for the night, he knows when your around he won't see me. It's a win win really, he gets a night away from me and vice versa plus I get to have you and this body all to myself".
He flipped Amy over and lifted her onto his lap as he held on to her hips, "can I ask you something" he said feeling super nervous, Amy placed her hand on his hard chest and kissed him on his nose, as she sat back up she smiled down at him, "of course baby anything", Billy rubbed his hands on her bare thighs, never taking his eyes off of his hands, "so we've been dating for 6 months now and as you know that's a hell of a long time for me, and it's fucking shit been here with Neil and Susan, me and Max are getting on great, because of you, but I need to get out of here, you know I want to go to California but I don't have enough saved yet so I was thinking, if you wanted, you could, maybe I don't know ...", Amy let out a small giggle, "Billy just spit it out!", "ok, ok, do you want to get a place with me?".

Amy looked down at Billy in utter shock, she didn't realise she had been silent for a long time until Billy lifted her off of his lap clearly pissed off, "fuck!....forget I asked it was stupid, It wouldn't have worked anyway" he spat, Amy instantly snapped out of her daze, "what! No!, why would you say that?" Amy asked confused, "I don't know, you clearly didn't want to anyway so what's it matter?", Amy waked over to Billy who was standing in the door way of his bathroom, "you really think that I wouldn't want to wake up in your arms every morning, make love to you every night, drive to work with you everyday, take care of you properly when you are sick and most of all spend every minute I can with you? Well your wrong Billy, because getting a place with you is the smartest idea you have ever had... when do we move?" Amy gave Billy a big goofy smile, he couldn't help but do the same. He picked her up and spun her around while the pair laughed, "what did I do to deserve you Hargrove?" Amy asked as she looked longingly into his eyes, "fuck, babe if anyone told me 6 months ago that I! Would be asking a girl to move in with me I would have probably kicked their ass, I'm different when I'm around you, and I hear people like that?", Amy laughed at his joke before she was interrupted by Susan knocking on the door, "Amy sweety, your mom is on the telephone", Amy smiled at Billy before jumping down and putting pants on before heading to the telephone in the hallway.

"Hey mom" Amy answered politely, "Amy, hi um I know you are spending the day with Billy but I need a huge favour", Amy rolled her eyes, her mom didn't ask for favours often so she knew it was something she wouldn't enjoy but was needed.
"Um yeah sure mom, what is it?" Amy heard a quiet female voice in the background asking 'what did she say', Amy furrowed her brows in confusion, "who is that mom?" She asked, "um yeah so Amy, your aunt Lisa has called in today, well I say called in, she will be living here for a while, I will explain more later but you remember her son Lewis right? He was the same age as you growing up, Dark hair with glasses?" Her mom rambled on describing her cousin, like she could forget that little dweeb, god he was annoying, "yeah mom I remember him, is he with her?", Amy's stomach felt uneasy, "yeah honey he is, while I catch up with your aunt I was wondering if you and Billy could show him the town, they may be here a while and...", she was really trying to sell this one!, "mom! Really! I haven't seen him since I was what, 8! And you want me and my boyfriend to show him around town like we are 12! Jesus mom!", Amy was dreading this but dreading telling Billy more, "please Amy I need to take care of my sister", what does she mean by take care? Is she sick? Hurt?.
"Fine! We will be home in an hour, if Billy goes with it, I'm making no promises". And with that Amy hung up the phone and looked towards Billy's bedroom door.

As she walked into the bedroom Billy was just coming out of the shower, he pulled her into a deep kiss, "mmm, I missed touching you", Amy kissed him back but he knew something was off, "ok spill" He asked her, "I need you to do me a favour Billy", he smiled at her lovingly, "anything for you", at that moment he meant it, "oh I wouldn't be too sure about that, my mom just said my aunt and cousin are at my house, and we've been asked to show him around town", She flashed Billy a little 'I'm sorry' smile, "ok so we need to babysit another brat like Max? No problem", Amy kept the smile on her face as she looked at Billy, "mm he's a little bit older", he shook his head at her before laying on his back on the bed, "how old are we talking?", Amy walked over and laid beside Billy, "....our age".

Billy looked at the roof for a few seconds, "so I need to drive some nerd around and share my time with you, when we could be doing something a lot more fucking exciting?", Amy nodded and Billy covered his eyes with his hands, 'he needs more persuading' she thought, Amy stood up and took off the T-shirt and joggers of Billy's that she was wearing leaving her in just panties, she straddled Billy's lap, leaving over his chest she whispered in his ears, "baby you can take me anywhere and anytime we are alone, no matter where it is", Billy's big hands instantly found her ass, he rocked her on the spot as he let a deep moan leave his lips, "we can show him around today and as soon as we drop him off baby...." she began kissing his neck, "I" kiss "am" kiss "all" "yours" kiss.
Billy flipped her over onto her back on the bed, "before we pick up any nerds, you are all mine and I'm going to show you".

Sorry it's taken so long again!
Getting caught up on uni work whilst in lockdown.
I hope you are all enjoying it, thanks xxx

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