Long time no see.

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An hour later Amy and Billy pulled into Amy's drive, before they both got out of the car Amy looked at Billy, "I'm sorry about this baby", Billy took her hand and smiled at her, "it's ok doll, come on, let's get it over with, you never know he could be cool", Amy rolled her eyes at him, "mmm yeah, maybe not!", the pair laughed before getting out of the car.

When they walked into Amy's house they heard crying coming from the kitchen, Amy slowly crept in calling out for her mom, with Billy close behind her, "mom... mom you in here?", "ah there you two are!" Her mom said when she saw the pair walk into the kitchen, "Lisa, this is Amy and her boyfriend Billy" Mrs Myers said as she introduced the couple, "hi aunt Lisa" Amy smiled at the woman she hadn't seen since she was around 8!, Billy made his way forward and shook the woman's hand, "nice to meet you ma'am" he said politely before returning back to Amy's side and kissing her on the temple, "well aren't you two just adorable!" Lisa said raising her eyebrows at the pair causing Amy to cover her face with embarrassment, Billy just laughed and pulled her close by the hip.

After chatting for a few minutes they found out that Lisa was here because she had fled her hometown of Michigan, due to her abusive husband, her and her son Lewis had left their home two months before and had been staying in motels, but because Lewis was still at school he needed to attend in order to graduate.
Amy and her family were the only family Lisa had that she could go to.
After that bomb shell Amy got even more of a shock when Lewis made his was into the kitchen, Lisa stood up from her chair to greet her son, "here he is, my rock, Amy you probably won't recognise him but this is your cousin Lewis, he has kept me safe and alive these last few months, I owe him a safe home and his education that's why we came here" Lisa smiled at her boy, who was now at least a foot taller than his mom!.
"Nice to see you again Amy, what's it been 10 years!?" He smiled at his cousin, "yeah at least" At that point Amy felt Billy's grip tighten on her thigh under the table, "Lewis this is my boyfriend Billy, we will both be showing you around town today" Billy just nodded his head and gave a deep "hey man", Amy rolled her eyes at him 'he hates him already' she thought.

(Shawn Mendez will play Lewis)

After a while Amy decided it was time for them to make a move, she wanted to get this done with so she could get back to spending time with just Billy, the group were just walking out of Amy's house when Lewis spotted the camaro, "wow! Who's is th...

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After a while Amy decided it was time for them to make a move, she wanted to get this done with so she could get back to spending time with just Billy, the group were just walking out of Amy's house when Lewis spotted the camaro, "wow! Who's is the sweet ride!?" He shouted, admiring the machine in front of him, "uh mine, just don't touch it, you're in the back" Billy said as he slid into his seat, Amy chuckled at his response, "he loves his car, sorry" she said as she flashed her cousin an apologetic smile, earning a shy one in return.

A few minutes into the trip Amy placed her hand on top of Billy's as he changed gears, she was so grateful for him, everything he did for her that she knew he hated, like dates with her friends, driving her cousin around town, she really loved this man with all of her heart. She must have been staring at him because he snapped her out of her daydream, "where first beautiful?", the little names always made her heart beat flutter, "how about we show Lewis the mall, we could get an ice cream at scoops and then drive to the lake?", Billy rolled his eyes at the thought of scoops and seeing Steve, "sure thing, what ever my girl says", Amy leaned over and kissed her love.
"You guys must have been together forever? How did you two meet?" Lewis asked from the back, startling the couple, "we've dated for 6 months but we've know each other a couple of years, umm we ..." she trailed off as she looked to Billy for confirmation that he was ok her having this conversation, which he gave her a nod and a cute smile.
"Yeah we met at school first but we kind of hung out in different crowds, we didn't really get to know each other until I started working at the pool where Billy works and things just went from there", again Amy looked at her boyfriend in admiration, he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles gently.
"You work together too, cool!, I would love to see this pool, the summer weather is amazing here, I miss the Michigan summer" Lewis said as he looked out of the window feeling down, "hey I have an idea how about we go to the pool instead of the lake? Me and Billy need to check out rota anyway and you can have a swim or sunbathe, sound like a plan?" Amy suggested, looking at her boyfriend and cousin awaiting a nod or any sort of acknowledgement of her suggestion, finally Lewis nodded and Billy said "sounds great".

When the group arrived at the mall they began walking around looking in stores and windows, when they passed a lingere store Billy pulled Amy back, placing his arms around her waist, she laid her head back on his shoulder as he whispered into her ear "were coming back here alone baby, there is so many things in there that I want to see you in", she pushed her ass back into his crotch making him inhale hard "there are so many things in there that I want you to rip off me as well", with that she pulled away from him, only turning back to look at him as she bit her lip knowing it drove him mad.

When they arrived to the upper floor of starcourt mall they headed straight for scoops ahoy, there was no queue so they headed straight to the front to be greeted by Robyn and Steve, "well hello love birds, welcome to scoops ahoy what can I get you? Double cone? A banana split with extra cherry?" Steve said in the cheesy scoops role he had to play, obviously Billy intervened, "Cut the crap Harrington! Just get us 3 tubs, il have chocolate chip, You want your usual pistachio angel?" He asked Amy making her nod and kiss him on the cheek, "what do you want dude?" Billy asked Lewis, "oh thanks um il have the ah ... salted caramel please" Lewis answered, shocked that Billy was paying for it.

Amy and Lewis went to get a booth leaving Billy with Steve, "who's the kid?" Steve asked, "Amy's dorky cousin, he's new to town and needed showing around, Amy got roped into showing him so me too" Billy rolled his eyes at what he had to do, "you and Amy seem serious, that's cool?" Steve questioned Billy, "yeah man I mean look at her she's amazing", he looked over at her smiling with her cousin, "I can't even believe I'm asking this but what about you and Jenny after you dropped her home the other night?", Steve smiled to himself, "yeah I mean she's totally cute, my type you know, I'm taking her out tomorrow night", Steve smiled from ear to ear, Billy been Billy saw the down side to it, "good! Just be careful if you fuck it up, Jenny will be sad and that makes Amy sad and then il kill you, simple really", Billy said as he put his hands on the counter all intimidating like, Steve passed him the ice creams before moving back, "yeah man, wouldn't dream of it".

With that Billy walked off over to his girlfriend and handed her the ice cream, "there you go princess", she rewarded him with a small peck on the lips, "thank you handsome".
"So do you two just spend all your time together or do you have friends", Lewis asked after feeling uncomfortable with the level of PDA, "Jealous much?" Billy snapped at him, he didn't like him interrupting his time with Amy as it was but then to comment on their contact, he was ready to leave his ass to walk back from the mall, Amy knew how to handle this so that Billy didn't get into a fight.
"Yeah we have friends, obviously" she chucked, "we can meet them tonight if you want?", Amy looked at Billy again for his approval, he nodded but he hated the idea of having to spend more time with this jackass, but he hated Amy spending time alone with him even more.
The group finished up their ice creams they made their way back to the car.

Thank you for reading I hope you are enjoying it, please vote and comment I love to hear from you,

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