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Amy was just finishing her final yoga class for the day, she had noticed Billy walk past the sun house a few times, she assumed he was trying to be discrete but failed miserably!.
Karen Wheeler and her friends had taken this class, they had become regulars, Amy was doing the cool down when she noticed all their eyes look away from her and to the entrance, where Billy was stood, they all said in unison "Good afternoon Billy", Amy rolled her eyes at how desperate they all were, "afternoon ladies" Billy answered them giving them a wink.

"Ok ladies that's it for today you have been fabulous!" Amy said and they all clapped, she bent down for her mat and rolled it up before turning around to face Billy, "am I signing you up for a class mr Hargrove? I bet you could rock the leotard" Billy let out a deep laugh causing the ladies to look in their direction again, Billy walked closer to Amy and took her yoga things to carry them for her, "if it meant been closer to you everyday then totally sign me up" Amy blushed and looked at the floor, "I love making you nervous beautiful" he leant down and whispered in her ear "but it also makes me want to tear that costume off your hot body" Amy's mouth dropped open and Billy stepped forward and walked towards the group of women knowing what he had done.

"What's up ladies, I hope you're enjoying your classes, Amy is a fantastic teacher don't you agree?, always helpful in relaxing and .....relieving peoples stress" he turned around to face Amy knowing exactly what he had said, he walked backwards to the rack of yoga mats not taking his eyes off her, just smiling and licking he's lips.

At the end of her shift, Amy was about to head home when she noticed that it was Billy's shift on the tower, she stared at him and felt the usual butterflies come back like they did every time she saw him, she got thinking about the stunt he pulled earlier today in the sun house and decided that it was time for payback.

She ran back to her locker, she was sure she had put a bikini in there the other day, just incase she ever wanted a swim while she was here.
After a few minutes of rummaging she found it, a little white two piece, she got changed quickly because the pool was closing in less than an hour but it was still quite busy.
She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her,  it covered her breasts and went down to just above her knees. She shoved the rest of her her things back in the locker she headed out to the pool.

She looked around the pool side for the best spot to wind billy up,
There was a spot at the opposite end of the pool directly across from him, but she thought that was too far away, the next one was just at the side where Karen and the desperate moms club usually sit, 'perfect' she thought.

Billy didn't notice her straight away but once he did he's eyes didn't leave her for a minute, she walked down the side of the pool, she was so nervous, she felt like she could throw up any minute! But she saw Billy take off his sun glasses and put the end in he's mouth as he watched her walking toward him.

Billy didn't notice her straight away but once he did he's eyes didn't leave her for a minute, she walked down the side of the pool, she was so nervous, she felt like she could throw up any minute! But she saw Billy take off his sun glasses and pu...

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(Billy staring at Amy)

When she reached the sun lounger she turned her back to Billy and took the towel off and placed it on the sun lounger, having to bend over a little and on her tip toes to throw the corner of the towel over the side of the lounger, once in place she laid down and looked over at Billy who was sat open mouthed with he's eyes fixed on Amy.

She picked up her Walkman and started listening to her music, she was tapping her foot and nodding her head to the beat of the music, her eyes were closed but she kept opening them slightly to see if Billy was still staring, which he definitely was.
When the song finished Amy stood up and took off her headphones, she turned around and placed the Walkman on the lounger, while she still had her back to Billy she adjusted her bikini bottoms around her bum cheeks knowing it would drive him crazy.

She turned back around and walked over to the lifeguard tower where Billy was climbing down, "hey you" she stopped in front of him smiling, "hey you?! Are we really doing this?" He smiled back at her licking he's lips, "Doing what, Billy?" Amy asked him while twirling a loose bit of hair.

Billy moved closer to her and took a quick look around the pool, there were only a few people left as it was now 4:30, he left a few inch gap between them but grabbed her wrist and whispered to her "you are making me so fucking horny" he turned slightly so he's back was facing the pool and with the hand that was holding Amy's wrist he pulled her so her hand brushed past the bulge in he's shorts, Amy's mouth dropped open and she pulled her hand away, "have a nice swim babe" he gave her a peck on the cheek and climbed back up the tower, adjusting the bulge in he's shorts before returning he's gaze on Amy.

Thank you guys for reading and voting! Love u!!

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