Girls Night

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When Amy finished her shift at the pool she headed straight home, she was excited about girls night tonight.
When she pulled up her drive she saw Jenny sat on the porch, Amy parked the car and ran up to her best friend and they both engaged in a hug, "it's been too long Jen!" Amy said during the embrace, "I know! Well 4 days to be exact" the pair chuckled.

The girls headed inside laughing and joking, as they walked in to the kitchen they saw Amy's mum in the kitchen preparing snacks, "mom you really don't need to do this I'm not 12 anymore!" Her mom laughed "I know sweetie but you father is at work all the time, you are out at work now and I have nothing to fuss over! So when you girls come here I have something, don't take that from me", she said rather sad, "mom I'm sorry I didn't realise" Amy felt bad for what she just said, "yeah Mrs Myers we love your snacks anyway, we would only have cereal or something if it wasn't for you!" Jenny called to her, she began smiling, "thank you girls, now you go on upstairs and enjoy yourselves il bring food up when it's all finished", the pair thanked her and headed up.

"So how's work?" Jenny asked Amy, "it's really good I love it, the ladies love the class, there are more and more there everyday!" Jenny smiled at her best friend "I'm so happy for you Amz, I wasn't happy when you decided not to go to college but I get your decision and the whole gap year thing, 4 week and I will be headed to Ohio" Amy's face sank as her friend spoke, "I'm so proud and excited for you Jen!, you're amazing you will make the best nurse! And who knows after my year maybe il come down to Ohio!" The girls hugged again, they had been best friends since kindergarten, they were inseparable all the way through school and now Jenny was moving 4 hours away, they wouldn't be a 5 minute drive away from each other anymore and neither of them knew how to take it, they were grown up enough to know they had to do it for their own reasons.

"Iv arrived!" The girls heard Nancy call as she climbed the stairs, they both stood and waited for her to walk in, when she did they both ran at her and joined in a group hug.
The girls sat on the bed gossiping and catching up, just enjoying the time together it felt as though it had been forever since they had a good catch up.

"Ok Amy what's this news you have to share?" The girls leaned forward in anticipation of what Amy had to say, she rolled her yes before she began, "ok so first day at the pool I had to empty the pool house to make room for my yoga classes, the manager said he would send someone to help me which he did, and the guy he sent is hot, like really hot" the girls say "oooh" in unison, "he kind of flirted with me abit, obviously I was totally thrown... it's me I don't flirt, then during my class he was staring like right at me not even hiding it! And I only had my leotard costume on no leggings!" They girls laugh "what! You trying to give some guy a heart attack" Nancy said with her hands gesturing towards Amy's figure, "yeah Amy your so much hotter than you think, dudes will go crazy for you" Amy just laughed, they were more experienced than her, "what ever anyway I got some confidence from somewhere! When I saw him staring I waited for the right time and told the class to do the downward dog pose... he nearly fell off the tower!" Amy burst out laughing, Nancy sat with her mouth open in shock and Jenny pretended to faint.

After the giggling fit Nancy asked Amy "so what happened next? I assume something happened next!" Amy began to blush "he actually gave me payback, he came in to the communal locker room and told me how much he enjoyed "my show", he gave it all the head tilt, licking he's lips the whole works" Amy said rolling her eyes, "yes but did it work?" Jenny questioned, "it may have" any asked looking away shy.
"Aaah Amy wants him" Nancy said pretending to cry, "I never thought I would see the day, I'm so proud" Jenny and Nancy hugged like proud parents, "oh stop it you two! Anyway! He kind of asked me on a date" the girls squeeled, "oh my god we need to plan! When is it!" Nancy shouted as Jenny headed to look in Amy's wardrobe, "it has already happened actually" Amy said covering her face with her hands, "what! And we missed it! Where did he take you?" Jenny asked as she sat back on the bed, " just a diner it was straight after work nothing special" Nancys jaw dropped " Hey we could have hidden in a booth you would have never seen us!" All the girls laughed and laid on the bed.

Jenny shot up and gasped "wait! What is he's name! Do we know him!" Amy stayed silent, "oh my god we do! Amy tell us!" Nancy asked but Amy just said "Does it matter who it is I'm happy, it could still be nothing at this point I don't want you going crazy stalkers on it if there isn't anything" Amy said before heading over to her dresser, "ok Nancy forger her, who do we know that works at the pool" Jenny started thinking, forgetting about what Amy had just said" the girls began naming guys who worked at the pool, "there's that Josh guy on the front desk" Nancy suggested " no she said he was on the tower" Jenny said as she was thinking hard "I only know heather" Nancy said defeated, then it was silent .................. "NO WAY!!" Jenny said looking at Amy, "what! Who?" Nancy questioned "Amy no way! NO seriously no!" Jenny said shocked, Amy's face was going redder and redder by the minute, "Billy fucking Hargrove Nancy!" Jenny looked at Nancy the back at Amy, "Amz you know he just fucks girls over like repeatedly he has a problem" Nancy told her concerned, "I know Nance I do but he was so nice the other night and Iv not given him anything and I don't plan on doing I'm not stupid you know that" The girls look at each other "ok Amy we are going to be here no matter what, I hate to say it but he's going to hurt you and I can't promise I won't kill him but I will be there for you" the girls laughed at Nancy's remark, they all hugged and enjoyed the rest of their night binge eating chips and ice cream and watching movies.

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