Chapter III:Lampo's Nightmare|Daemon's Amusement

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"You know where the others are?And what do you mean that the idiot boxer 'may simply be staying quiet'?This is Knuckle that we're talking about...." Inoichi rolled his eyes.

The ravenet gave a frustrated huff at him.

"I know that they're here and where they are because a certain former psycopath from the future decided to visit me this morning:this is really causing me a headache.And to make matters worse,we're in an anime slash manga world of a popular shounen series that my descendant watches with the others!" He groaned,hitting his head on his desk.

A thoughtful hum was heard,before his companion gave him a reply.

"Oho~,I think I've heard of this's that series called 'Naruto',yes?"

Shikaku nodded,pleased that he knew before he reacted.

"What?!How did you know?!" He demanded,slamming his hands on his desk.

Only to stop talking,he glanced around at his classmates giving him a weird look or a glare:even thought the classroom was pretty noisy,his voice seemed to echo all the way throughout the room...good thing that there was no teacher yet!

Said boy cleared his throat,before quickly sitting down...his ears and face slightly flushed in embarrassment.

Then he turned back to his companion.

"How the hell did you knew?!Did your descendant watch it too?!" He whispered in a hushed tone.

Inoichi shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nufufufu~,no way.My descendant isn't the type to watch those things:his gang was the ones who were watching it,namely Fran,Ken,and Chikusa...MM joined from time to time though.Chrome was more on...into fantasy or isekai genres." He snorted,his voice low to prevent anyone from hearing them as well.

Shikaku slumped down at that,pouting.

"Ah,so you watched it with them from time to time?"

"I always watched it all the time.I never missed an episode:it was actually very interestingly entertaining as we had nothing like it back in our time."

The ravenet nodded in full agreement,grinning proudly.

"Well,wadd'ya expect from Japan?They've always been on the weird,but interesting category:that's why Asari was a great source of fresh stories to hear from...though I bet for him,Primo's the best source of fresh stories!Speaking of...I might as well point out who the others are..." Shikaku decided,sitting up straighter in his chair.

Then he leaned his chin on his hand as it rested on the desk table,deciding to subtly point at the others.

"We'll have to wait for the others to approach each other though...during that time,we should gather as much information that we don't know from this village.Even if we knew a lot about this world from back in Decimo's time,this is reality now so there may be some things that we don't know about here.Even if we read the Wikipedia of this world back then,there are still secrets that one themselves must uncover and discover with their own eyes..." He explained with caution,seeing his fellow former guardian nod in agreement.

"Oya~?I didn't expect you to finally have a brain...this must be a miracle,nufufufu~!" The other mocked the ravenet who flushed.

"Tsk.Shut it and just listen,okay?"

"I take it that we'll be the information gatherers for the team for now?" The Yamanaka heir confirmed.

"You've always been one of the information gatherers." The Nara heir pointed out.

The two nodded again,before the ravenet began pointing at their supposedly reincarnated famiglia members.

"...That blondie over there is getting bullied by the Uzumaki again." Inoichi interrupted,before Shikaku can even speak.

The other deadpanned him.

"This was kinda meant to happen in the plotline since they're aiming for the same goal,remember?And he's not getting bullied,he's merely being riled on by Uzumaki."

"Nufufufu~of course I know.They just look adorable."

"...That 'blondie' that you're talking about is Giotto."


"Unbelievable,I know;but Namikaze Minato is indeed,the one and only Vongola Primo,Giotto."

"Pfft--!No,no,that is not what I'm really surprised,I mean--I kinda expected this already.But to witness this with my eyes?Oh,this is gold!I can't wait until the Skylark hears that Primo--an 80+ year old oji-san--is crushing on a kid that's only about seven years old!What a lolicon!" Inoichi laughed,his body trembling as he tried to silence his laughter.

Shikaku's face turned a bit green.

" that I think of it...that is definitely disgusting!H-he's basically a pedophile!B-but then again,due to his past self's memories of Kushina,he's strongly attracted to her,but still--urgh.I'm gonna puke..."

"Wait a minute...your calculation is wrong,man." Shikaku complained.

"Oh?And why is that?"

"Giotto retired at 40 and got married at that age...he died when he was 80.Lived as a ghost made from his will that was sealed and kept alive in the Vongola ring to advice his descendants who needed his help for 400 years.And lived with the young Vongola for 40 more years...he's 520 years old!"

"..." The two stared at each other in shock as they realized this.

"Yeah,definitely a pedophile." The two agreed with synchronized nods.

Inoichi slapped the other on the back when he saw that the other's complexion still looked green.

"Nufufu.Don't go puking and fainting on me haven't mentioned the others yet..."

"R-right.Moving on,that Uchiha Fugaku over there is G.Those twins,Hyuga Hiashi and Hizashi are Alaude and Asari respectively.That's what I heard so far....and by the way,from what I heard from the Mare kid is that your future wife is,well...Elena."


"I know.Shocking,right?I didn't expect that either."

"That's bullshit."

"Hey,no cussing!"

As Shikaku scolded Inoichi,he didn't notice that their other fellow heir had approached them.

"Hey,guys.You seem to be arguing quite early in the morning...which is rare,since Shikaku usually thinks that it would be too much of a drag."

The ravenet and blond flinched slightly,before turning to the person who spoke.

"Choza!Glad you could make it on time."

"I'm always early though?" Said person sweatdropped,before smiling and shaking his head at them.

"Nevermind.I saw the teacher on his way here...we should settle down by then."

"Nufufu--ehem,hahahha~sure.Let's do that." Inoichi laughed,covering up his old habit,not noticing that the Akimichi heir was staring at him with wide eyes filles with realization and a bit of doubt.

...Neither of the Nara heir and the Yamanaka heir noticed his reaction.

Shikaku sweatdropped,and gave a lazy smile.

"...Yare,yare.Another troublesome day...what are you waiting for?Hop in." He offered a seat between him and Inoichi,to which Choza gladly took and sat.

Finally,the bell rang,and the teacher came in as the students scurried to get to their seats.

A New Beginning(Life of a Shinobi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz