Chapter II:Alaude's Resolve|Asari's Reassurance

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(A/N:I'm sorry,I really can't resist not publishing this story,so I will publish this now even if the rest of my other story's chapters aren't up to their 30's yet!So yeah...this is like a prequel but at the same time kind of a sequel(I don't know!)of the Mafia Reborn in...Naruto!)


Alaude knew that he was reincarnated.

...That he was brought back to life again.

By whom,he didn't know,but the possibility that Kami and that the balance of the Tri-Ni-Sette had something to do with this 'new beginning' was high.

The first time that he gained awareness was when he turned one years old(thank Kami that he didn't receive his memories earlier nor was he able to remember where exactly he came from because that would really be traumatic and humiliating for him)and he really hated his toddler days:he was forced to drink from his 'new' mother's breasts.

Do you know how humiliating it was for a former adult to drink from someone else's breast and be stuck in a helpless baby's body?!

(If he wasn't going to cause his new mother grieve if he died from refusing to drink from her breasts,he wouldn't drink from it.He'd rather choose death than be humiliated like this--but then,it would make his new mother mourn for him so...)

He suffered from it all--breast feeding,diaper changing,bathing,you name it all--for not a year,but two years,before he firmly refused drinking from her and chose to demand that he wanted to drink from a bottle instead.

...There was a bit of an argueing then,but his mother had no choice but to listen to him:he was a former Hibari after all...and Hibaris always get what they want.

(He swore that he could practically hear his 'new' father was laughing--the audacity of the asshole--he dare to laugh at his pain!The nerve of him--!He'll get it as soon as he can move this useless body!)

Oh,but at least he wasn't suffering through it all alone.

He had his twin brother to suffer along with--yes,a twin brother and another reincarnator at that.

(He knew that he was being sadistic,but he was proud to be a sadist and he sure as hell doesn't want to suffer alone--at least Kami was nice enough to not make him reincarnate alone*evil smirk* and the highlight of it all that said twin recalled his past life's memory around his ninth month being alive in his mother's belly:and that means he get to experience and witness himself getting out of the womb through that way.*cue evil laughter*)

Who was it,you ask?

His twin who is also a reincarnator like him is the one and only Asari Ugetsu,the Left-hand man of the Vongola Famiglia.

And currently,he was contemplating if he should throw a tantrum--a.k.a.,beat up some clan members or clan elders 'cause he was that pissed off at being reincarnated without warning--or should he just observe his surroundings first.

Oh,if he has forgotten to mention this...he's seven years old now,along with Hizashi(Asari):he was the older how many minutes or so,he didn't know nor does he care.

The new world that they were in was pretty interesting,to be honest.

There were curious looking people jumping around on top of the rooftops,scaling/running up the walls or trees as if they were naturally glued to it,or the occasional ones who spar on the training grounds and performed jutsus.

Though he was a bit disappointed at this so called ninjas.

They weren't stealthy enough.They carry heavy weapons,when they could use anything as a weapon.They were too flashy with their jutsus most of the times.Even the Varia was better than they were...then again,there is a reason why they're called a Varia Quality.

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