Chapter 3

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Have you ever got the feeling that you could trust someone just by saying a couple of words to them? Well here I sit, in my room thinking about Jason. How he talked to me like we weren't different, like there was no separation between what we could afford. I actually felt somewhat normal talking to someone that won't judge me, even if it was a couple seconds or words. I'm just getting myself happy, thinking I'm going to see him again. I think he has better things to do than see a poor boy. My thoughts were interrupted when a heard a knock on my door. "Justin I was thinking, maybe we should go somewhere else to get food since we don't get a lot from the dumpster we go to" my dad said, walking into my room. I rolled my eyes since I'm the only one getting the food and I know he won't so if I want to eat, I have to get it myself. "Um yeah sure." I muttered, not really in the mood to talk right now. I guess he realized that, and turned around to walk out the door. Once he was out of sight, I lied down on my bed, well if you would call it that. It's just a worn out mattress with some old blackest of mine. The blackest are the ones my mom knit herself so they're special to me. I just lay there, letting my thoughts drift off, thinking about some random somethings. I thought about how I can get more food. I can't steal. Can I? I mean it would be easy in a way and if I do it right I won't get caught. But that's not me. I was always told not to start or do anything bad by my mother. My dad didn't really care what I did half of the time. I looked out the window enjoying the view of the dark sky and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I always hated being woken up like this. I yawned and got out of bed. I slipped a gray sweatshirt on and put my shoes on. I don't have enough water to get a shower but I have a bit from the bathroom sink, so I put my hands under the freezing water. I put the water on my face to try to wake myself up. After that, I dried my face with a towel that I had. I mixed my hair to look at least half way decent. My hair being a little messy in the front. I made my way out of the bed room and into the kitchen to find my dad drinking a glass of water and sitting at the table. "Morning Justin." He looked at me. You see, we never got along and he always disagreed with me about anything. I never wanted to disappoint him so I just do what he says and not question it. "Morning." I smiled small at him. There was an awkward silence until I broke it by saying, "well I'm going to go outside and try to find some food. I'll be back soon." And before he had a chance to reply, I was out the door.

Sorry it's short but at least I updated. The next chapter will be more exciting and I have some ideas for the next few chapters. I will update when I can. Thanks for reading. 🌸

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