Justin's life

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I walk down the street at night. I'm cold as the wind blows, but my jacket doesn't help at all. My clothes aren't that handy in this kind of weather since there are holes in them. I walk a bit further down the empty sidewalk and get a look at the fence. The same fence that kept us apart, that made everyone who they are today. I think about how are lives would be if there were no fence, no rules, and no differences; just peace. But obviously that's not going to happen anytime soon. The whole thing is just crazy. The rich is one one side and the poor is one the other side of the fence. I sigh to myself in frustration looking up at the August sky just thinking about the whole situation. I came back to realization about why I'm out here in the first place, I came to collect some food for me and my father. Now I continue walking down the lonely streets down to where I usually get food, the dumpster. You see it's a huge dumpster that has leftovers from the rich side. So pretty much that all we get over here; leftovers. As I reach the dumpster, I dig for any sort of food that looks edible to eat. After about a couple minutes passed, I finally found a bag of crackers. It's a small bag but not too small. I smile a little, thinking of finally eating since I didn't eat yesterday because there were no edible food so we had to starve for a day. But that's not something I haven't done before, I even lasted longer than a day. I finally think it's time to head to my house. I don't really know if I should call it a house since it's just an old building that we use, but I'm highly grateful for have a roof under my head. I grab my crackers and start my journey to my house, humming a song I wrote years ago when my mother passed away. Just thinking of that day makes my eyes water. My mom and I were so close and now I won't be able to have that anymore. My mom had a terrible sickness and we didn't have money to get medicine. She always said that she will be okay and not to worry. One day she finally gave up. And now she is gone forever. I wiped the tear that escaped my eye and held my head up high being strong like my mom would have wanted me to. Come to think about it I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Justin Bieber. I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes that everyone just loves for some reason. I am 18 years old and I'm......gay. When I told my mom she was happy that I could trust her. My dad, Paul, he was disappointed because he always wanted me to get married to a woman, but he still talks to me and let's me live with him. We don't get along most times. Sometimes we don't speak at all to each other. I finally reached my house and went inside. "Justin, back so soon?" My dad said looking at what food I had. "Yeah sorry it took so long." I apologized not wanting to disappoint him. "No it's fine." He tried to make me feel better. We sat at the small table eating the small crackers, nothing being said just drowning ourselves in our thoughts.

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