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We all walk into the house, and I see all of the other people here. They all look at me, but I ignore them and walk upstairs. I give Lilli a bath, then lay her down for a nap.

I walk back downstairs and go to Damon's alcohol bar. "Which of these do I drink?" I ask. I've never drank more than a sip of beer, which was when I was, like, nine.

"Umm, none, you're under age." He says. I grab a random bottle and look at him. "Damon, don't test me right now. My skin is caked in blood, I killed who knows how many wolves last night, and my daughter is some kind of wolf beacon or something. Now let me drink this, or it's going on your head!" I snap.

Everyone looks at me shocked, but I ignore them. I go to take a drink, but Damon replaces it with a glass of something else. I nod to him then gulp it down.

"What happened last night, Andy?" Jase asks.

"Well, I cam home from training with Damon. Went upstairs to see my baby girl, was laying on the bed, then I hear a whole bunch of noises downstairs. I go down and see a dead Damon and Stefan, then thirty something wolves stare at me. I fight them, and then they try to go after Lilli. She's was the one attracting them. Then I grab her and we run as fast as we can. Now I am covered in blood and literally dead tired, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go shower." I take their silence as an answer and leave. I hear them whisper about me, but I ignore them and make my way upstairs.

I look in the mirror and stare at myself. The tiredness in my bones starts to make its self known, and then I see something creeping over my shoulder. I try to look in the mirror, but fail.

"Damon, come here." Within seconds he's in the room and I show him my shoulder. He releases a few choice words and then looks at me with pain in my eyes.

"Andy, you got bit." I nod and then show him my calf and other wrist.

"Duh. Is that bad?" He looks at me shocked.

"Andy, if a vampire gets bit by a werewolf, they die." I look at him shocked. Great! I've already died once. Now I die for real.


I hear a knock on the door from downstairs, so I listen in closely for the Salvatore brothers to give me any hints as to who it is.

It's now night time, and I'm laying in my bed, sweating like a pig. My bites are growing with infection, and I have a severe fever.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks, so much disdain in his voice.

"I want to help her." I hear from my friend Nicklaus.

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