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Jeremy helps me into Matt's house. Sorry, our house. With the fire, my apartment burned to the point of being condemned. We went in to get anything that survived but not much did. I talked to Matt and he told me the offer of moving in was still up. I thanked him and then grabbed my now one bag of stuff, which is really my important stuff, and moved in.

We came up with an agreement and we both like it. I pay for all the needs: food, which we won't need dinners cause we eat at the grill, and any household stuff we need: toilet paper, toothpaste, blankets. He pays the bills. It might seem unfair to anyone else, but we had to take in account that I am now into the second trimester, so I've got about 5-6 months to go and then boom, baby.

I am now starting to show a little. I have to get new clothes, both because of the fire and because I've gotten fatter then I already was. I took off today so I can go around and try to find some maternity clothes. Jers gonna come with me cause they're all scared I'll get into some kind of trouble if I don't have a body guard. Insert eye roll here.

I was in the hospital for a week. I inhaled a lot of smoke so they had to ease that out of my system. I also got some 1st degree burns. It's funny, I don't even remember getting burnt.

I've always had at least Matt or Jer the whole time. I've stayed caught up on my school work so that I wouldn't have to go insane when I go back.


There's a knock on the door, and a smile makes its way to my face. Jers here! I pad my way to the front room and open it, but there I see Damon Salvatore. "Umm, Umm, hi?" I stutter out. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Jeremy said he was busy, so I'm gonna be your body guard today." I look at him confused. "Oh come on. It'll be fun." I take a deep breath and nod. "I'm not completely ready just yet. If you'd like to come in.." he smirks and walks in. I guide him to the couch and he smiles at me. "Would you like anything to drink?" He shakes his head. I nod, then excuse myself to finish getting ready.

I walk into the living room and smile at Damon. I texted Jer to make sure he wasn't trying to pull anything over, and Jer said he was all good. Damon stands up and we make our way to his car. He opens the door for me, I thank him, get in, and then he closes it.


Damon and I walk into the maternity store, and I see all the ladies turn and gawk at Damon. I laugh and point it out to him. "You know, all of the ladies in here are staring at you." He smirks. "That's because I'm so good looking." I roll my eyes.

An hour and a half, and so many tears spilt, we walk out of the store with six bags full of maternity clothes. Damon carries them for me, claiming that I can't put any strain on my stomach, and we make our way to the milkshake store. I buy both of us a shake, and he buys us pretzels. We then stop at a table so I can rest and we talk about, like, everything.

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