Chapter 11

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Lucas POV


I yelled from the kitchen. My parents came into the kitchen and sat down at the balcony waiting for me to continue.

Lucas:Well, I've found someone really special that I want you guys to meet.

Mom:Really?! We are so happy for you sweetheart.

Dad:I always thought you were a fuckboy because you always brought girls when we were on business trips.

Lucas: Correction!! I brought one girl. But this is really hard for me to say because it's weird but I'll go to the point... She is older and she is my teacher.

Their expressions stayed normal, not knowing what to say. Dad was with that smirk on his face, of course he would do that and mom smiled.

Mom: I'm okay with it because like Obama said "LOVE IS LOVE" so you live your life and make your own trail.

Dad: Is she hot?

My mom gives him the eyes of disgust and warning. The moment I see my mom opening her mouth I just get out of the kitchen because that will turn into something physical, more precisely, punches and slaps haha.

And I gotta get ready because tonight I'll be meeting Lexi's parents. She told they were nice people so I hope they like me. I put on something casual, white T-shirt with black jeans and red Van's. I took my jacket, my car keys, my wallet and my glasses. All of you that didn't know, I use glasses.

(Skip car ride)

I knock on the door and a man answers it. He is kinda tall, not as much as me because I am a basketball player but almost. He looks at me up and down and smiles at the end.

Bob: I guess you are Lucas right?

Lucas: Yes sir, that's me. I guess your are Lexi's father?

Bob: Bob! Nice to meet you.

He says extending his hand for me to shake it. I shake it of course and he welcomes me inside. I see Lexi and she smiles at me giving me a hug. I kiss the top of her head because I dont want to have a makeout session in front of her father. I go inside with her and Bob by my side and I meet her mother Angela.

Me and Bob went outside take some air and talk about the normal stuff that son in law and father in law talk about. Then he asked me something that took me by surprise.

Bob: Does Gionna(Liv) know about this?

Lucas: No she doesn't but I promise I'll find a way to tell her. I just dont want to end our friendship because of me being with her mother. I mean it's kinda of weird calling your high school friend, dad or step dad.

He laughs and nods in agreement. We continue the conversation until we go inside to have dinner. From the looks of it they look like an happy family and I am so happy to "make part of it". Now the one left is Liv. Maybe she knows already and never told us.

At the end, I decided to help with the dishes. Angela was refusing but I wanted to do something so I could show them I am a great man for their daughter, blame me if you want.

Now we are all sit on the couch watching simpsons. I know it's kinda childish but, once again, blame me. Me and Lexi are cuddle almost falling asleep so Angela decided to take a picture of both of us.

Some hours later

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Some hours later

I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom. I got up slowly trying not to wake up Lexi and went quietly to the bathroom. I finished and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Some minutes later, I pick up Lexi and bring her to her old bedroom. Since this was her childhood room, the bed was too little for the both of us so I decided to put her down, put the cover over her and go downstairs and sleep on the couch.

Lexi POV

I woke up without feeling his arms around me or his breath hitting the back of my neck. I actually founded this is weird because I fell asleep on the couch last night and I wake up in my bedroom. I check my phone and see it's kinda early to wake up but since Lucas is not here, I decide to get up.

When I come downstairs, I see Lucas sleeping on the couch. Since I'm little and not too heavy, I decided to jump on top of him. He growled in pain sarcastically and his hands went directly to my hips.

Lucas: Is this a way to say good morning to your boyfriend?

Lexi: You dont deserve to have a good morning because you left me alone all night in that room and came here to sleep.

Lucas:There was no space in that thing! Even if we cuddled, I would fall or you would fall so...!

Lexi: I could sleep on top of you... *smirks* it's not the first time right.

Lucas: How can you be so dirty inside your parents house?

Lexi: They are not he...

Bob:Good morning everyone. Oh dont let me interrupt your moment haha.

Lucas smiled and kissed me and went to the kitchen to make breakfast ready....





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