Chapter 2

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I was waiting for the teacher to arrive when I heard the door open. When I looked that way I couldn't believe my eyes.

Lucas' mind: Please dont tell me this is my teacher.

She had a pretty face and damn a nice looking body that I wouldn't have a problem to touch it and- NO Lucas stop she is your teacher.

Alexa: Hello class sorry I am a bit late so before we start, I heard that there is a new student named Lucas. Can you stand up please.

Her voice was music to my ears. I stood up slowly and waited.

Alexa:Well, hum, hi!


Alexa:I am your new history teacher. Now tell me your full name, where you come from and something you love to do.

Lucas:I'm Lucas Silva, I come from Miami,FL and I love to play basketball.

Alexa:Nice are you going to join our team?

Lucas:Maybe I heard that there are tryouts next week so I can try my chance.

Alexa:Okay you can sit Mr Silva, now class open your books on page 47 we will continue on the second world war...

Damn her voice, I can feel the passion that she puts on those words. The passion she has for her students and for teaching. But the better thing is that body and perfect face and damn that big butt she got there.

1 hour later

Bell rang and everyone starts to pack there things to leave. I do the same because I want to try that new court today but I'm stopped by Ms Kaufman.

Alexa: Mr Silva stay please. Dont worry you're not in trouble.

Everyone left and we were alone.

Alexa: So you are a little late in this class so if there is anything you need help with in history just come to my classroom and I'll offer some help.

Lucas:Thanks Ms Kaufman.

I turn way and get to the door but before I open it.

Alexa:One more time try to focus on the lesson I give not my body.

She said with a big ass smirk on her face. I just opened the door and left

I got to my car and I couldn't take that image out of my face. That smirk make me a little hard you know but come on Lucas forget about it. You have no chance with her.

I got to my car and saw 5 dudes taking pics right next to him.


They looked at me and got away fast. They looked scared. I dont want to be a bad guy on my first day so I'll be nice.

Lucas:What were you doing?

???:We were taking pics with your car because the coach doesn't want poor man in the team of basketball.

Lucas:Are you good at basketball?

???:We are not the best but we're good.

Lucas:Come to my house I have a court there we can play.

???:Wait you have a court? Man why are you millionaire or billionaire.

Lucas:No it was a surprise of my parents now let's go just follow my car.

They got in their cars and we went to my house. When we got there, nobody was home so we got to the court and they had their jaws dropped to the floor.

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