Little children's fears

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"How about you take your plates to the kitchen and then go brush your teeth. Once I'm finished here, I'll be there to tuck you both in" Mabel said to her children; Ben and Kyndall

"Okay" they both chorused as the rose from their seats taking their plates along with them and headed to the kitchen.

She heard the light clanking sound of the plates being placed on the granite counter before they both ran out heading to their room.

"Don't run" Mabel yelled out

"Okay" they chorused still running up the stairs.

Mabel chuckled shaking her head from side to side as she rose up from her seat to clear out the dish bowls on the table. Daniel, her husband also rose up to help clear the table.

"Babe, we need to renew the payment for Ben's Taekwondo classes" Mabel said placing the ceramic dish bowl on the counter.

"We gon need to put a stop to those classes. It's so goddamned expensive" Daniel said as he also dropped the second dish bowl on the counter.

"Ben is going to be so gutted if he doesn't get to go for those classes" Mabel said picking up a sponge. "You know all his friends attend that class too"

"I know" He groaned

"Is it putting that much of a strain on our income?" Mabel asked scrubbing a plate with the sponge.

"Not yet. Don't worry about it" he waved her off.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Don't worry" he said firmly


"I'm going to head up now. I have some emails I need to go through" Daniel said placing a kiss at the side of her head. "Thanks for dinner, it was delicious"

"You're welcome"

Daniel left the kitchen heading up to their bedroom while she finished up with the dishes and then made sure the house was completely locked before heading to the kid's room.

"Hey sweeties, are y'all done?" she placed a small knock before poking her head into the room.

Ben and Kyndall were already in their respective beds, waiting to be tucked in. They were fraternal twins and eight years of age hence the sharing of a room, although Ben was bigger in size which made people think he was a few years older than Kyndall.

"Have you both gone to use the bathroom?" Mabel walked into the room and stood in between the foot of their beds.

Ben nodded

"I've gone but I think I want to go again?" Kyndall said as she scrambled out of her bed revealing her 'Hello Kitty' pajamas and headed to the bathroom at the left corner of their room.

Mabel moved to sit at the edge of Ben's bed as they waited for Kyndall to be done.

"Baby, don't forget to wash your hands when you're done" Mabel said.

"Mmkay" she heard Kyndall reply

After a whooshing sound of water from the bathroom tap was heard, Kyndall ran out of the bathroom with her wet hands flapping them in the air before climbing back to her bed.

"Mummy, I don't want to be a dancer anymore. I want to be a dancer" Kyndall said

"Why did you change your mind?" Mabel asked

"Because I love to dance" Kyndall stated

"Well, that's good. You can be anything you want to be" Mabel said "what about you baby, still want to be a cop? So you can catch all those bad guys" she turned to Ben

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