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Tell me how...

How in the actual fUCk do I have 780 followers?!

7    8    0


And whyyyyyyy???

I don't deserve all of you guyssss!!!

I'm not an interesting person. I don't write interesting stories. I'm an introvert. I practically fight with a lot of people (you should know what I mean by that). And I'm no good!!

So....why follow me??

I didn't deserve this much-

I joined in October of 2019.

And I have almost 800 followers now. Wow. Just..wow.

It may not seem like a lot to some of you, but to me, it is. So just...wow.

Thank you guys. Thank you for everything.

I appreciate every single one of ya.

And uh...well...

Have a great day/evening/night. And I guess I'll update later. So...bye for now, peeps.

Randomness/Nothing ImportantHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin