Not You Again

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Presenting Princess Viktoria Lily von Krolock and Guardian Dimitri Belikov.
Presenting Prince von Krolock.

I took Dimitri's arm, watched the door open, curtsied at the top of the stairs and walked down. Prince followed in suite. The ballroom was beautiful and extravagant. The room was glistening gold. The music was soft and classical. Every dress was unique and some more colorful than others. I noticed that all of the guards were in some sort of suit. Dimitri broke away from me to do whatever he needed to do as a guardian. I walked to the throne curtsied to my father and took my seat next to him.  Prince stood next to me with a look only I would recognize.  He was silently scowling at someone that was walking towards us.

"Princess Viktoria may I have this dance?"
"Ash! Sure." I walk to the middle of the room talk his hand and start dancing.
"What happened to you Viktoria? You disappeared from the school."
"I did for my safety. You owe me big time Ash."
"Why is that?"
"You introduced me to Claude while we were dating. Then proceeded to ask me to kill him only for me to fall in love with him. You got your wish because Claude is dead."
"I had no idea. I am so sorry."
"I don't need your pity. Goodbye." 

The dance came to a close. I curtsied then went to find Dimitri. Guardians are very good at not being found. I looked all around the room for him. I eventually stopped looking and went to sit next to dad. I was stroking Prince when Dimitri came in looking for me frantically. His eyes met mine and I saw all of the worry his eyes held. He weaved through people and even got Prince to help him. Is the world ending? Dimitri and Prince then proceeded to stand protectively in front of me. The doors burst open and there standing before all of us was Randell. The guards went into position while the guests tried to scurry into a corner.

"A party and I wasn't invited. I am hurt Princess."
"You should die for what you have done to me!"
"Remind me what I did to you."
"You killed Dimitri and left me in pain for a few days thanks to the gash on my arm."
"Ah yes. Well then kill me!"
"No, you don't get to take my life away again! Guards please take him away."

Dad called the ball to a close thankfully. I rushed to my room, took off my dress, locked the door, and cried myself to sleep with Prince by my side. Dimitri, Herbert, and Dad tried to get in but I wouldn't let them in. I was contemplating if I should just flip the humanity switch. Just stop feeling.

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