No Forgivness

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The flight at the beginning was pleasant. I had stayed awake for about ten hours before going to the cabin for some sleep. We had three hours left of the flight. Dad called me half way through slightly angry but also impressed at my plan. The bed felt nice and Prince decided he would stretch himself out on the floor. Dimitri chose to sleep on the couch. I was just starting  to fall asleep when weird sounds came from outside. Dimitri immediately shot up along with Prince. He was positioned by the door while I held Prince in my arms. Someone walked in and knocked out Dimitri.

"I'm so sorry Princess but this was the only way to get to you."
"Mom? Why are you here, what do you want?"
"I want you to forgive me."
"I could never. You knocked out my boyfriend and sent me through almost suicide."

I stood up walked to my mother slapped her and pushed her out of the plane. I got Prince to help me get Dimitri on the bed. I proceeded to give Prince his daily blood whilst drinking mine. I eventually fell back asleep on the bed. The three hours felt like three minutes of sleep. When I did wake up Dimitri was already up talking to the pilot. I quickly gathered my things along with Prince's and exited the plane.

"What happened after I blacked out?"
"My mom came and asked for forgiveness. I said no and then kicked her out of the plane."
"I'm so sorry. Shall we go?"
"Yeah. We're staying in my family's Russia house."
"How many houses does your family have Viktoria?"
"A lot. Let's get out of here I'm starving."

We had agreed that while Dimitri went to see his family I would call my  father and tell him what happened. We parted ways after lunch. My father was furious and said he was on his way to Russia. I decided to do some shopping while I was here. Eventually Dimitri texted me he was going back to the house. I finished paying for my last item then rushed back to the house. I entered the threshold and soon my arms dropped dead.

"Dimitri something is wr" The edges of my vision slowly turned black. I ended up slumping into something before passing out.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dimitri's P.O.V

From the entry way I heard a loud thud. I went to Tori and heard her say something was wrong. Before she could finish the sentence she started collapsing. I ran over to her and caught her. I took her to the nearest bedroom. I didn't know where Prince was but knew he would come for Tori in a bit. I called Victor and told him about Viktoria's condition. He came and he soon realized Prince was missing.

"Belikov when I wake Viktoria hold her down."
"Of course but why sir?"
"When she finds Prince missing all hell will break loose."
Viktoria's P.O.V

I woke up to my  father by my face and Dimitri holding me down.

"Get off of me!!!"
"Viktoria I have told Dimitri  not to release you," my father said dryly.
"Where is Prin- ok gosh she has him doesn't she?" I started to cry
"She does that is why I can't let you go."
"You have to let me go! She has to die! She took the one thing that has helped me the most."
"We can't. When you face her you will face her with us by your side."
"I have to go now! He isn't immune to stakes. She can kill him one single plunge."
"Well then do you need us?" a semi-familiar voice  said.
"Rose what are you doing here?" I said getting up and hugging all of my friends.
"We're here to face your mother."
"Father how did they all get here?"
"I sent the fastest jet for them when we discovered Prince missing."
"Let's go get Prince back!"

We all set off to the woods. I knew Prince was there because I had a special thing put in him in case of emergencies so that I could track him. I couldn't stand this woman. Hurt me, hurt someone else. I can find a shred of forgiveness. Hurt my horse my best friend and I will kill you!

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