We're going where?

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My eyelids beg my body to open. After using more effort than needed I stare into a stark white room. Everything is bright and my body isn't in pain. How is this possible? I should have been in pain from the bite. Something stirring in the corner of the room draws me from my mental discussion. There in a chair is my mother and father sleeping. Herbert and Dimitri are on a couch playing cards.
"Hey guys," my voice is hoarse "miss me?" Dimitri immediately gets up and pulls me into a hug.
"You have no idea how much we missed you."
"How long have I been out and who used their blood to heal me?"
"You have only been out for a few hours," Herbert replies and playfully punching me. "Never do that again. As for the person who healed you why don't you take a look." In the opposite corner of the room is my grandfather.
"Why on earth did you bring him into this!?"
"You needed to be healed and Dad couldn't do it, so we called the one person that could."
"Ok well when can I leave I have classes to attend to."
"Right now actually but you must keep Belikov with you at all times." I leave the hospital and head to my room, shower and change out of my bloodied clothes.

Everyone at class is starring at me in awe. I don't really know why. Even the teachers and guardians are smiling at me. This is super creepy, and in turn I just keep my head down. The lunch bell rings and I go look for my friends. Instead of friends I see my family. Quickly I walk over to where they are in hopes of figuring out what is going on. I am met with my mother slapping me, hugging me, and crying.
"Ok tell me what is happening. I feel very out of the loop."
"Hello Viktoria. I am glad to see you are doing much better." I get up from my seat and hug my grandfather.
"Hi and thank you so much. You didn't have to come all this way."
"Of course I did you are my favorite grandchild." Herbert just stares in shock at what was just said.
"Mom why did you slap me and why is everyone looking at me weird."
"I slapped you because you did something incredibly stupid and the whole school knows what you did for them. They are just trying to show you gratitude."
"Christine you left out the trip for Christmas." my father adds with ease
"What trip? Where are we going?"
"Your school has asked us if they could spend Christmas break in Transylvania. We agreed and are letting the students stay in one of the hotels."
"We're going where?"
"We are going home for the holidays and before you ask yes Prince is fine and yes he is coming with us."
"That is so amazing! Do I stay at the palace or the hotel?"
"For the sake of the trip you are staying at the hotel. Now you must pack the trip is in a few days."

I leave my parents and dump my leftover lunch in the trashcan. Two people come and squeal in my ear. Without thinking I have both of them against the wall.
"Woah Viktoria chill it's just Rose and Lissa." Dimitri says in my ear. 
"I am so sorry. Why are you squealing?"
"We get to go to Transylvania!" Lissa seems enthusiastic.
"I have to go pack so I'll see you later. Bring warm clothes!"

My room looks the same as when I had left it. This is easier to pack for because my home is around the corner to the hotel. I pack jeans, jumpers, boots, and a few wintery dresses. Everything is ready and I am so spaced out I didn't even notice Dimitri standing there.
"Well it seems that you are ready to go back home."
"A little. I'm just homesick. How about you, are you packed?"
"Yes it was quite simple. Viktoria we really need to take about what happened before the strigoi attack."
"We should. Did you mean what you said?"
"Yes I meant every word. I love you Viktoria."
"I like you too. We need to figure this out before anything goes south."
"Agreed. Viktoria will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes oh Dimitri yes!"

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