The Whispers from Death

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I was very wrong.

To me these whispers were figments of my imagination. Things that were meant to be a joke. I wasn't scared but as the trip drew along the whispers were more and more urgent. The strange thing was it was the same voice ,the same demands with sorrow laced in every word. They always asked to come home.
"Earth to Viktoria. Are you ok?" Herbert asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, I'm just, uh ,thinking."
"Nice lie. Now tell us the truth we heard that pause," My uncle stated matter-of-factly.
"Ok. Promise me you won't think I'm crazy."
"Love ,we would never think of you like that."
"Thanks Dimitri. I have been hearing a voice begging for me to take it home."
"I think a spirit is trying to reach you. We could go down now to see if you'd like."
"I'm sorry where are you taking her?" Dimitri inquires.
"He is taking me to the underworld. This is the best option we have."
"I'm coming with you. Before you say anything I am your guardian so I am required."
"I was going to say ok."

We leave the café. All of us voted that Herbert and Alfred would cover for us if anyone asked about our whereabouts. I do hate the process of going to the underworld. My uncle must crack open the core of the earth and as we walk down it closes behind us. I am forced to walk in between my uncle and Dimitri. These people still believe I can't protect myself. There are so many souls down here and I feel sorry for them. While we are walking three souls in particular attack us. Dimitri doesn't know what to do as they should already be dead. Of course my messed up family wants revenge. My Uncle Dracula went for my Uncle Lucifer. Aunt Anna went for Dimitri and Claude went for me. Without a moment of hesitation I grab Claude's head and rip it off. Uncle Lucifer follows in suite and Dimitri is left to grouplet with Anna. I run behind her and tear her head off. Even dead they can torment me and those I love. This method got rid of them once and for all hopefully.

"Viktoria are you ok?"
"Yeah. Is everyone else ok?"
"I'm fine. We must make announcement to find the one talking to you."
"Viktoria watch out!" A spirit grabbed my arm. Dimitri almost pushed him but fell back with realization. Dimitri's face went pale and it terrified me.
"Dimitri, what's wrong? Who is this person?"
 "I'm Mason. I am the one who has been asking for your help. I wish to be alive again."
"I can do that. Dimitri do you know where his body is?"
"I know where it is. Why do you need his body?"
"In order to bring him back I need his body."
"Alright I will go get it. Will you be ok down here?"
"I'll be fine I have my uncle."

Dimitri left with a parting kiss as my uncle opened the earth to allow him to go to the surface. We head towards my uncle's house with Mason.
"Mason why did you choose me?"
"I chose you because you know my friends."
"Rose. Let me guess you to are really good friends?"
"Yeah we've been friends since first grade."
"I also sense you want to be more than friends."
"I do but she was with Belikov last time I checked."
"I know for a fact they never dated and that Rose regrets never giving you a chance."
"Hey, I'm back. The body is above the world."
"Let's get you back to Rose."

We all walk up and I place Mason in his body. He regains color and everything is like before. I can't wait to see what Rose thinks. I'm still thinking about what I had done to my family and ex-fiancé. I killed them again, as if one time wasn't enough. Every time my life is going smoothly I get a curveball that strikes me out. Life is just getting to me. How many people I have trusted that hurt me how I coped with it by pushing it aside. I can't shake the feeling that if I hadn't been so trusting I never would have gotten hurt. If only I was quiet and let myself be pulled around could I have avoided what has happened.
"Love ,what are you thinking about?"
"Nothing except how happy I am for everyone else to have a friend back." I hide the lie behind an almost sincere smile. Dimitri seemed to buy it, thankfully. I had to lie or else more people would get hurt.

If I trust people and hide my feelings at least no one but me gets hurt. 

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