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yoongi takes his headphones off, stretching his arms above his head and yawning. he needs a lunch break.

he gets up and gets his jacket, keys, and wallet, stepping out of the genius lab and locking the door. he walks down the hallway of bighit ent., running a hand through his newly-dyed, electric blue hair. he steps out of the building and walks to the closest cafe, sitting down and looking at a menu.

after you left, yoongi went to namjoon to officially start writing his music and composing songs. he released his first mixtape in early august, one year after you had gone. he was under the name 'agust d' and worked with namjoon. his first album was a hit, and he had become quite popular with his inspiring lyrics. now his new album, d-2, was releasing late may. after his first mixtape, yoongi got enough money to get out of his apartment and buy a small house. jeongguk, seokjin, and namjoon all helped him decorate, painting the walls, hanging pictures, and getting new furniture.

yoongi still kept in touch with you, texting when you could and calling late at night when he missed you too much.

he missed you a lot.

after finishing his lunch yoongi got a text from namjoon. his phone screen lit up and he smiled at the lockscreen. it was a group picture of you, yoongi, jimin, taehyung, hoseok, seokjin, namjoon, and jeongguk. you were standing in front of the circus' tent. that day yoongi and his friends agreed to help set up, and korain said that they looked too cute not to take a picture.

joon: sorry hyung, can you come back to my studio really quick? it's an emergency.

yoongi frowned. emergency? he shuffled on his coat and dashed out of the cafe, hurrying to bighit. once inside the building yoongi sped-walked to namjoon's studio. he knocked on the door, and once he heard a 'come in' he opened it.

yoongi's jaw dropped.

"close your mouth before you catch flies."


the seven of you, jeongguk, taehyung, jimin, namjoon, hoseok, seokjin, and you were all standing there, grinning from ear to ear.

"hi yoongi." your voice filled yoongi's ears and god he missed it so much in person.

yoongi ran forward and threw his arms around you, sweeping you off of your feet and spinning you around. once he set you down you wrapped your arms firmly around his neck as he buried his head in your neck. you could feel tears soaking your skin, your own slipping down your cheeks. you ran your fingers through his hair and smiled at the color.


yoongi gave a watery laugh and lifted his head up, pulling back but keeping his hands at your waist.

"spontaneous descision?" you both laughed again.

yoongi looked into your eyes and he couldn't help it. he leaned in and kissed you, making you gasp. you heard everybody groan at the sight and you smiled into the kiss, entertwining your fingers with each other behind yoongi's head.

"i love you.." he whispered against your lips and you opened your eyes and pulled back, smiling.

"i love you too."

yoongi turned his eyes to the rest of the group. "did all of you know?" yoongi raised an eyebrow, amused.

"we've been planning it for a couple of weeks..." jeongguk rubbed his neck nervously and yoongi chuckled fondly.

"of course you have." yoongi turned to you again. "so. how was america?"

you clasped yoongi's hand with yours and lead him out of the room.

"well, let me tell you."

that night you went to yoongi's new house, beaming at the pictures of you and the circus, feeling at home. you and yoongi caught up on everything, talking until 2:00 a.m. and fell asleep in each others arms as lovers, finally.

the next morning yoongi cooked you breakfast in bed and kissed you as the sun rose, swathing the room in gold. yoongi took you to banji cafe and you talked more. a lot happened in three years. the next day, late at night, you and yoongi sit on his sofa, drinking off-brand sodas and eating greasy takeout.

"you're leaving again, aren't you?" yoongi asks, but this time, the dread of leaving doesn't hit you like last time. because with yoongi you feel safe, and you know that if you found each other after three years, you'll keep finding each other.

"i'm going to keep preforming over the world." the truth sets in and the house goes silent. "but, i want to move in with you. i won't be gone for over a month at a time, and soon i'll be too old to do trapeze anymore. i want to live with you."

yoongi stays silent and his face is impassive. you start to grow a little worried when yoongi sighs and sets his drink down.

"let's move in together."

it takes about a month, but you move all your belongings to yoongi's house and go shopping with jimin about a hundred times to get new clothes and accessories. soon, you're fully moved in.

hoseok gave you a four month break before your next show, which was in canada. so, you got the chance to do the things with yoongi you wanted to do three years ago.

you cooked him dinner, surprised him with notes in his lunch or on his computer, waited for him to get home and kissing him as soon as he walked through the door. yoongi never got tired of kissing you. and he did all the things he wanted to do three years ago too. he bought you flowers and wrote you cards, he wrote you songs and took you places you've never been.

you were, and always would be, happy. in love.

yoongi would always be there to catch you.

because your love, was unbreakable.

and you would be loving each other for the rest of your lives.

the end.

catch me | yoongiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن