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just like he said he would, yoongi arrives back at his apartment at 7:00 p.m.

"miss me?" is the first thing he says when he walks in the door. cocky bastard.

"no actually, i had a fantastic time with namjoon." it was true, you and namjoon talked for a couple hours, and he even let you listen to his unreleased mixtape, mono. a glint of jealousy flashes through yoongi's face but it's gone in an instant.

"oh, did you now?"

you laugh cheekily. "yeah, i did."

yoongi looks at you and smiles, just staring into your eyes and the room goes quiet but the silence isn't uncomfortable. yoongi tilts his head for a couple seconds before smiling wider and pulling you up from the couch.

"c'mon, we're leaving." yoongi doesn't answer your confused questions ashe puts one of his coats on you, putting one on himself, and forcing your feet in a pair of shoes. "we're not spending your last night here stuck in my crappy apartment."


reality hits you and dread settles in your stomach. the days flew by that quickly, huh? your show in gwangju was tomorrow and then- no. you would enjoy this, and relish it. you had to.

yoongi pulls you out of the door, shoves you in his car, and starts driving.

"where are we going?" yoongi stays silent but he smiles wide, the kind of smile where his gums show, and you can't help but grin right back.

"you'll see."

about twenty minutes later you're walking into a park called 'seoul land', the bright lights of the amusement park illuminating yoongi's pale skin and making it glow. yoongi pays for tickets and grins at you like an excited child.

"let's go!" yoongi grabs your hand and starts pulling you towards a rollercoaster.

oh, this will be fun.


two hours later, you and yoongi are wandering through the park, eating buttery food that gets on your faces. the lights of the rides light up the sky and makes it look even more magical.

"okay, we have one more hour until the park closes. what do you wanna do?" yoongi asks as he throws away your trash and goes back to holding your hand. you point at a bumper cars racing game and yoongi shakes his head before laughing. "you're on."

you get into different cars right next to each other and yoongi just can't seem to keep a smile off of his face. you feel high, free. the wind is pushing through your hair and ruffling your clothes, and you don't really care about anything else because the man that you love is right next to you.

a blare goes off to indicate the start of the race and you and yoongi take off behind other drivers, smirking at each other and bumping the sides of your cars together. you're basically neck and neck the entire way but your car pulls in in front of yoongi's and you laugh when you both get out.

"ha! i won!" you stick your arms out and twirl around, then stick your tongue out at yoongi. "how does it feel to lose to me, huh?"

yoongi laughs. "man, i don't know if i can ever beat you at anything." you laugh and yoongi takes your hand again. "there's one more ride i want to show you."

by now the park is kind of empty because it's fifteen minutes before closing time so you and yoongi run to the next attraction, not having to dodge any people. yoongi stops before a carousel ride and turns around and beams at you.

"let's do this."

yoongi climbs on a black horse and you get on a white one. there are only two or three other people on the ride and they're not even near you. suddenly the ride whirs to life and tinkling music plays faintly. the white lights fade colors from white, to red, to purple, to blue, then back to white.

you tilt your head back and close your eyes, giggling a bit.

yoongi stares at you, and he think you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on. you're different. yoongi wants to scream, and cry, and laugh all at the same time. because somehow, jeongguk convinced yoongi to go to the circus, the magician just happened to pick yoongi, and you just decided to talk to him. fate is such a funny thing.

and unfair.

yoongi wants to shout to the whole world that he loves you, that the fireworks in his stomach are real, and that whenever you smile his heart palpitates against his ribcage. he wants to write you songs, he wants to buy you flowers, and he wants to hold you like you're his. but yoongi stayed quiet. because he believed in love, and he beleived in fate.

but love was cruel.

you open your eyes and look at yoongi as the rest of the world swirls around you. colors blend into each other and the background noise stops. you want to cry, because you have a filthy secret. and you couldn't tell him.

you and yoongi look at each other and suddenly nothing else in the world matters. you and yoongi look at each other and you smile because love is breathtaking. and yoongi loses the very air in his lungs when he looks at you.

the world must hate you because you can feel the way your legs feel like jelly when he talks, you can feel the way your nerves spark whenever he touches you, and you can feel the guilt in your chest because love. is. cruel. you want to take him on dates, you want to cook him dinner, you want to surprise him with notes and candy, and you want to kiss him like he's yours. but you stayed quiet.

you and yoongi both stayed silent while the whole world watched, because deep down, you both knew.

and love was cruel.

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