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I wake up to a door shutting and unfamiliar surroundings. After a moment or so I hear a shower turn on and the water splash against tiles. It takes me a good five minutes as I wait for my tired eyes to adjust to the white bright surroundings but it's clear I'm in Justin's bed. The other side of the bed is slept in but empty and I lean over to see the time on his phone the white numbers reading '11:23' against his dark lock screen with a picture of Justin with who I think is his sister.

Sitting up I began tying the front of my hair up with the hair tie that had luckily managed to stay on my wrist. The small glint of gold caught my eye drawing my attention to the foot of the bed where a box, around the same size of a shoe box was wrapped in white paper with a metallic gold bow placed on the top. Pulling it towards me with the tips of my fingers to inspect it further I ran my fingers over the soft paper spotting my name written on a gold and white tag with cursive writing that was taped onto the paper. Ripping the paper at the edge of the box I peeled it back, the paper crinkling loudly in my hands as I looked to what was inside.

Looking in slight shock at the black box with the image of the camera on the front I just let it sit in my lap for a moment as I opened my mouth in shock. The box clearly had Nikon D610 printed on it as I grasped each side of it lightly in my hands. This is crazy expensive, we're talking top of the range camera, worth at least 7500, maybe even 8000 dirhams. I quickly unpacked the camera, moving it from it's white card box and inserting the memory card. Pushing the box of my lap and rushing over to the sliding doors I switched on the camera which was held tight in my hands and held it up to my face snapping several pictures of the beach in front of me.

"Aye baby." Justin's voice calls his hands making me jump a little as they snake around my waist.

"Thank you." I mumble leaning back into his body as his lips tickle my neck slightly as he peppers soft kisses on the exposed skin.

"It's okay Char. Anyway, you need a good one for you job don't you?" Justin asks as I turn around and wrap my hands around his neck. Going on my tip toes I pecked his lips before running my hands down his shirtless torso and pushing him a little along the hotel balcony. "You got plans today?" Justin asked as I lifted the new black Camera to take a few pictures of his shirtless body.

"Nope." I replied in concentration popping the 'p'. "Oh, yeah actually, I'm having dinner with 'la familia' tonight." I added monotonously smirking whilst rolling my eyes. Everything Mom and Dad seemed to do at the moment seemed to bug me in some way. I snapped a couple of pictures as Justin stood leaning against the balcony railing. "I might come after dinner but it depends what mood I'm in." I mumbled shrugging as I placed my new camera on the glass table beside us. "Mom or Dad will be shouting at me for something." I force a smile shrugging. Justin simply opens his arms for me to cuddle into as the heat still engulfs us.

I stay in Justin's arm for a minute as the sun shines brightly on us both. "it's hot today." Justin observes unwrapping his arms from around me and picking up the camera he bought.

"Were you expecting it to be cold?" I asked still standing against the stone balcony wall as he switched it on the small noise indicating it was ready for use.

"No. It's hotter than other days though." Justin mumbled as he looks lazily down at the camera.

"Probably, I think there's gonna be a sand storm soon." I mumble hearing a small click before looking at Justin's terrified face.

"Sand storm?" He asked wide eyes making me laugh as I heard another click.

"Yeah, couple times if year we get sand storms sometimes they're small so you don't really notice but there's usually one big one per year." I shrug looking o Justin who wasn't even looking interested in me before I heard another click. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked my fingers playing with the hem of Justin's shirt as I heard several more clicks.

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