26~"What did you do?!"

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  • Dedicated kay ♥♥♥ my babies ♥♥♥


I'm rudely awoken my a sharp burning on my right cheek causing a low groan to come from my throat Charlie stirring beside me. I shuffle trying to open my eyes, only to be instantaneously blinded by the rays of sunlight that streamed through the curtains and landed directly on my eye line. I move my head slightly and peek my eye open as it throbs slightly with tiredness. "Justin!" Za's voice snaps not too loudly making Charlie groan in annoyance as she rolls off my body and onto her own pillow. I squint trying to clear my blurry vision, blinking a few times before trying to focus on Za who seemed more than frustrated. "Wake the fuck up Man." Za grumbles as I mumble something even I don't understand to myself.

"Will you both please, go the fuck away!" Charlie snaps loudly, her voice slightly raspy as I nod still completely confused as to what's going on. I let Za leave before climbing out of bed and finding some boxers and joggers and pulling them on and leaving the room as silently as possible.

"What was that?" I rasped my eyebrows furrowed as I yawn a feeling of slight exhaustion still running through my body. I seriously need to climb back into bed. Bed sounds so good right now, with Charlie next me all naked and shit.

"I had to okay, I have a pissed off woman waiting for you downstairs who's basically want to stab you." Za explained as he walked along the pristine blue carpet looking at me warningly. "If I didn't come and wake you up it wouldn't just be your funeral." Za says, but I feel like it's more to himself than me. I sigh heavily, rubbing my eyes as I think of all the stuff I'd rather be doing right now; laying in bed with Charlie, kissing Charlie, spending time with Charlie, fucking Charlie, basically anything to do with Charlotte Forster would please me right now. It's not even just now; it's all the time.

"What?" I huff the tiredness evident in my slight bad mood my mind switching from Charlie for a moment when it registered that Za had mentioned 'two very pissed off women'.

"The fuck would I know?" Za mumbles rolling his eyes as he trudges along (looking equally tired). I walk slightly behind him my eyebrows furrowed with my hand trying to comb my wild sex hair as I continued to squint slightly my eyes not enjoying the bright sun against the white, blue and gold interior of the suite. I roll my eyes closing them for a brief moment as I scratch my chest still trying to wake myself up. What time is it?

Walking into the living room which was brightly lit with sunlight I yawned spotting Atifa and Kiara sat side by side, their lips pursed making my eyebrows furrow. What's going on? Jesus, they're looking at me like I've just murdered their entire families (well Kiara, at least). "Um..." I hum my eyes flicking around the room to spy Fredo sitting beside Amber, both of them eating greedily as I shuffled awkwardly. "What exactly is the pro-" I began to ask only to be interrupted.

"The problem is you." Kiara stated plainly rolling her eyes, she didn't even hesitate with her words making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What did you do to her?!" She snapped pursing her lips slightly, her eyebrows raised in disapproval. I'm supposed to psychically know? Um.... I shrug my mouth falling open clueless as I look at her angry face. Damn, Za wasn't lying when he said she was pissed off, I just need to find out why...

"I'm gonna need a little more than that?" I stated but it left my mouth as more of a question. What the hell is going on? Can I go back to bed yet?

"I'm talking about why you never told Charlie you were leaving Justin." Kiara sighs muttering something under her breath. And this is to do with her because? "I mean that was okay, until I come and see Atifa, say goodbye and everything and she tells me that she seen her last night." I shrug picking a bottle of chilled water from the fridge.

"Well she spent the night here so, that's not too much of a surprise." I mumbled drinking the water, feeling the cold water slip down my throat slowly. Does she have a problem with me or is she just generally over dramatic? She's beginning to really piss me off.

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