33~Dinner Date

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"This is cute!" Rafaella mumbles grabbing a small part of the material of my maxi skirt, which was a blur of different colours. I quietly thank her whilst coating my eyelashes in mascara. It's eight o' clock at night and it's still thirty degrees. This is not okay. I puff out a small breath as I smile nervously at Rafa.

"I'm going to dinner with Justin." I mumble shyly, my cheeks going slightly pink as soon as the words leave my mouth. I take out my little brush and brush a small amount of bronzer along my forehead and cheeks, hoping Rafa wouldn't notice the red colour gracing my cheeks.

"Why?" She asks carefully as I slide in a small silver studded earring and slip on the pair of matching black platformed sandals onto my feet.

"Because I was rude last night, I didn't give his a chance to defend himself I just went all in." I sigh sliding several silver rings onto my fingers. "I also need to just see him, it's been a strange day and only he really knows what's happened." I speak quietly but it's more for myself than anybody else's benefit. Kia and Rafa only knew the basics of the whole family situation; that my Mom was seeing somebody, I caught them, we argued. They don't really understand.

"Jamie!" I almost yell as he mumbles a 'yeah' from somewhere in the apartment. Wait, what? I swear he was just there on the... oh well. "Come on, we're about to leave." I huff checking the clock above my oven as I pull out two bottles of ice water from the freezer. Jamie stomps through the apartment, his trainers coming into contact heavily with the wood floor. He stands excitedly at the door, almost bouncing up and down on the spot when I meet him at the door. "I'll see you later R, have a good night." I speak, waving quickly as Jamie rushes me out of the door just as I check over to make sure I have my keys, phone, car keys, water and... shit lipstick...no wait. I pull out the dark pink lipstick from my bag and nod mentally clapping myself.

I think Jamie's more excited than anybody at Justin's sudden return. As soon as I mentioned we were going for dinner with Justin it was like he exploded with excitement. I don't understand what he likes about him so much (well I obviously see some of it), but not for a seven-year-old boy. As soon as the elevator doors open I puff out a breath and shake my head. This is so ridiculous.

I climb into my range rover and I feel like I'm literally about to combust. I fan my self, as Jamie whines beside me about how we would live in the hottest place, or something like that and all I can do is agree with him because it's true. Even when I start the car more hot air blows in, engulfing us as I begin to sweat a little. It takes two minutes before the cool air actually begins to blow through and as it blows against my face softly I sigh in relief.

"Why did Justin come back?" Jamie suddenly asks causing my mind to go blank.

"I-I uh, I'm not really sure Jay." I sigh as a reply, passing several cars beside us. "Why don't you ask him?" I ask, my slight bitterness coming through.

Breathe Charlie, breathe.

I let out a small huff, my lips pursing like they seem to be in for 90% of the time since Justin's glorious return. Oh my God, since when did I get so angry towards everything? I'm twenty-two and sound like a ninety year old. Cheer up grandma.

I slow at the red light, mentally going through the route to a place to Madinat, which was a little shopping centre and hotel along with many other things. It's so beautiful, I die a little every time I step foot in the Middle Eastern themed area. It's so easy to get lost though, one wrong turn and I'm completely off track. I turn right and ten minutes later I'm turning around the long winding road, which curls around and down to the underground parking I was used to.

Getting as close to the cool air-conditioned entrance as I could, I eventually parked and climbed out of the car making sure Jamie was okay before we both almost ran inside. All I'm gonna say is, thirty fucking degrees at seven pm when I'm surrounded by concrete -it's getting too much for me. I puss out a breath, Jay's small hand tucked safely in my own as he swings his arm playfully in mine causing a small half hearted laugh to leave my lips. I'm too distracted about what's to come.

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