23. The Fratelli's Return, Secret Passageways, and Chunk to the rescue

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Clarissa's POV

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Clarissa's POV

I had absolutely no clue what we were going to do. If the Fratelli's were to come down the stairs, we would all be screwed and then our parents would probably never find us again, until the newspapers would get out to everyone in Astoria, including all of our parents about the murdering of a bunch of teenagers. All in all it was a scary thought I didn't want to ever happen.

My frustration and fear was starting to get worse as I started to nibble on my fingernails. My nibbling quickly went to a stop when a large hand gently took my hand away from my mouth and into their own. I instantly knew that it was Brand and a small smile came to my face. I looked up towards the taller bandana-wearing boy and gently gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled down at my smaller figure and responded with a kiss on my forehead. These small gestures that he does always seemed to calm me down, even if it's on purpose or just pure random moments. Brand was something special and I knew that I was a lucky girl.

My thoughts about Brand soon enough went to a halt as I looked over towards all of my friends. We were all trying our best to hold our breaths as the Fratelli's were just above us.

"It's the door", Data muttered quietly.

Mama Fratelli, who is upstairs noticed that the door was open. "Somebody's been here. The door is open."

Francis glanced over towards the door and back towards his mother. "I thought I shut it. Who left the lights on?"

"You did", Mama Fratelli retorted out of irritation.

As we were all glancing up towards the Fratelli's, I could see in the corner of my eye that Chunk had a look of delight come across his face with his nose coming closer to the ceiling.

"Pizza?", Chunk questioned to himself.



"Shhh!" We all shushed the young boy again. I still get surprised myself by Chunk's great sense of smell but now was certainly not the time. The idea of the Fratelli's finding our hiding spot was not on my list of things to happen today..or ever.

Meanwhile, upstairs we could hear the Fratelli siblings having a little spat over what appears to be their pizza.

"No, he's eating my pepperoni", Jake argues.

Francis retorts. "You want your pepperoni?" and throws a piece at his brother's direction. "Huh?", before he pulls out a gun.

Jake then pulls a gun on Francis. "Come on. Come on. Let's kill each other over for the pepperoni." By overhearing their conversation, I was rather shocked by how extreme they were over pizza. I mean it's just food. If Chuck heard me say that, he would definitely disagree with me on that but it's true. I'm just lucky that I never go to extremes like that when it comes to my brother. No matter how much he may get on my nerves, which is about 95% of the time, It's all just talk and I'll always be there and care for my brother. We're family and that will never change.

The Goonies// Brand WalshTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang