22. Money, The Fratelli's, and a dead body

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Clarissa's POV

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Clarissa's POV

Seeing the fireplace, I knew that we would eventually be going down there since Mikey is a very persistent kid. I knew that since I knew the Walsh's since basically forever. If Brand was able to say no to his younger brother, I would be surprised if Mikey would oblige.

As we were all crowded around the fireplace, Brand kicked out the rotted boards, leaving them to crumble down the vertical shaft. My eyes widened a bit as I shifted closer to Brand, making sure that I could be there for him in case he was to fall in the process.

My brother, Mikey, and I all had concern for the eldest boy in the group.

"Brand, be careful!", Mikey stated to him.

"Are you okay?", Mouth and I asked. Brand looked back towards my brother and I with a look of appreciation, his gaze lingering longer on me.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Once he stood up, I wrapped my arms around his waist which he immediately responded to by wrapping his arms tight around me and bringing me close to his tall and muscular body.

Mikey was still happy knowing that there was a passageway, which Mouth added on to.

"It's the start of a tunnel."

Meanwhile, Data was toying around with a machine across the room, and to his surprise, it began working.

This "machine" that Data found turns out to be a printing press. Page after page of fifty dollar bills are being produced. Thinking they're real, Data becomes ecstatic.

"Fifty dollar bills. Fifty dollar bills. Fifty dollar bills. Fifty dollar bill!!!" Data went from curiousity to puzzled before realization and then finally feeling ecstatic.

Andi and Stef were both confused as to what the boy was talking about as they looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Did he say 'Fifty dollar bills?'"

Data starts shouting in excitement. "Fifty dollar bill!! Guys, there's hundreds of fifty dollar bill! We have the money to save the Goondocks!"

Brand and I look at each other and release before crowding with the rest of the gang around the printing press, amazed at its too-good-to-be-true output. Data passes a sheet out to everybody.

"Billions of them", says Data. Mikey starts to smile wide as he glances at them.

"Hey guys, they're real."

"Quiet!", Brand shouts as him and I both pick up one of the papers. After looking at it, I knew that they weren't real and felt bad for the boys at how excited they got about it, especially Data.

Data starts getting impatient as he stares at both Brand and I.

"What? What? What?"

Brand decides to tell him. "They're fake. They're bogus."

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