13. A Furious Clary, New Additions, and Booboo kisses

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Clarissa's POV

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Clarissa's POV

Out by the rocks in front of the restaurant

What on earth were these boys thinking? No, I actually don't think that they were thinking. I mean, they just left. Disappeared off to somewhere. And not even a nice place either, like a park or a nice restaurant. No. They decided to wonder off to a run down restaurant that looks like the last time it was open was before any of us were even born. It was that old looking. I am furious. And you do not want to encounter that side of me.

"What on earth were you guys thinking", I shouted furiously as I glance at each of the boys eyes, landing on my brother's last, who was wincing slightly. It wasn't exactly from my glare though, It was more from the grip I still had on his ear.

The boys were all silent, until my brother decided to pipe up. "Oh, come on. Just calm down."

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? No, I'm not going to calm down Clarke! Brand and I are the older ones in the group. We are supposed to make sure that you guys don't get in trouble. But, noooo....you all left. Disappearing, leaving us to have to chase you. We had no idea where you went and we were lucky...very lucky that we found you. So, yes. I'm going to be freaking mad if I want to. You guys mean the frickin' world to me, and I need to make sure that you guys are okay. You are like the little brothers I've never had, aside from Mouth, and I just want to make sure that you guys are safe. I love you guys." I take a deep breath seconds later.

The boys all stood shock, including Brand who was rubbing my back soothingly. I could understand though. You rarely ever see that side of me. Hopefully, she doesn't come back for awhile.

I was soon bombarded in a huge group hug by all the boys, apologies ranging from things as simple as 'I'm sorry Clary' to 'We love you too' flooding my ears from each of them, including Mouth.

"Okay. I'm sorry that we left and I love that you watch over me even if you can be a pain in my butt sometimes, but do you think you could let go of my ear now?", My brother pleads. My eyes widen because I totally forgot that I was still gripping onto his ear. I guess with me being so furious and into my statement to them, that I completely forgot that I still had a hold of it.

I immediately let go of it. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that I still had a hold of it. And, all apologies are accepted", I state glancing from my brother to the rest of the group. All of them smiling and nodding after hearing my words.

The topic soon changed after the discussion and apologies were done with.

Third Person POV

Mikey is trying desperately to tell them about the strange man he saw in the basement.

"I swear on my life, they've got...an 'It', a giant 'It'", states Mikey freaked out.

"Ooh", remarks Mouth.

"They got it chained to the wall", he continues.

"Come on, Mikey", Brand remarks not believing his brother's story.

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