18. Creature Discomfort and Secret Crushes

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Clarissa's POV

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Clarissa's POV

I was still wary of Andi, I could never imagine one of my closest friends ever doing that to me. But, I couldn't think of that right now. I'm hear to help my brother and his friends so we can stay in Astoria, and hopefully we don't get hurt in the process. I know Mikey believes in this One Eyed Willy story, and I don't want to crush his little dream if it doesn't come true. Just focus on helping my friends Clary, not Andi. I can do this. I know I can because I am Clary freaking Devereaux. I can do anything. Right?

We were are huddled together descending the stairs to the basement, Mikey leading. He is such an adorable and tough little guy. I'm surprised he isn't at all scared like the rest of us are.  An echoing grunt is heard from the creature. My eyes widened and everyone let out a frightened scream. We all then slowly went down again.

My eyes scan around the staircase as my converse make slow but careful steps; I really didn't want to trip on anything considering I already got smacked outside. As we got closer to the bottom of the stairs, all I could see was shadows and what almost appeared to be pitch darkness aside from certain areas where light seeped through. The whole thing made my body nervous. Who knows what kind of things were left down here when the restaurant closed years ago.

Stef, who was on my left glanced towards the food lover who was in front of us. "Chunk, I hope that was your stomach", she mumbled slowly as she stayed close to my side. I glanced forward to see Andi looking over towards Brand with a love sick look. I mentally rolled my eyes. What best friend she is. Lucky for me, Brand wasn't paying attention.

Mouth shook his head. "No. That's the "It".  My brows furrowed a bit at his response.

"Wait...what do you mean by 'it' Mikey?", I questioned.

"Part of it's human. Do you wanna see it?" This resulted in the group aside from Mikey and I to groan.

"It sounds like Kong" remarked Chunk in amazement. It kind of does, doesn't it?

"Don't worry. It's chained to the wall". he responded back to keep everyone from freaking out. Mikey then looked over at me and held at his hand. He leaned in a bit and with a soft whisper said "you can take my hand if you're nervous Clary. I can protect you."

I smiled showing my pearly whites towards the young asthmatic boy. "Thank you, Mikey. My little prince", I gently grabbed his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His smile widened as his cheeks reddened quite a bit. Luckily for him, It was dark or else he would have felt embarrassed with his friends watching.

Third Person POV

However, the action didn't go unnoticed by Brand. A bit of jealousy ran through him as he watched his crush kiss his brother on the cheek. He wished he was in her brother's position right now. He knew he would have to make some sort of bold move soon or else she would be taken by someone else.

He didn't want to admit it, but he already knew a kid from school who liked Clary. The guy played football but he was pretty friendly with everyone, which was why he was pretty likable at school. He had dark locks and he was well built. His name was Chase Andrews. Plus, Brand wouldn't admit the fact that Chase was an attractive guy. A lot of girls at school swooned for him.

Brand was surprised that Clary hasn't talked to him yet but Chase hasn't forgotten about Clary, at least her face anyways. He always remembered the beautiful blonde from school. The cheerleader who wasn't afraid to be herself and be her kind self to everyone around her. He would analyze her ways whenever he was anywhere around her, to see what her interests were and habits that she would do. Her aura is what Chase liked about her, despite them never actually meeting and he loved her smile. It was contagious. It made him smile anytime he saw it. He just knew in his mind that they could work and he would do anything in his power to make them be able to meet and possibly become something more.

Brand met Chase once during history class. They had to be partners for an assignment but he wasn't a fan of him. Didn't think he was right for her. Brand knew he was supposed to be with her, not the pretty boy who was good at football. No, It had to be him and he would do whatever it took. However, Brand was unaware he was ranting about Chase aloud. It wasn't too loud, but it did cause everyone to glance over at him for a split second.

Clarissa's POV

I was slowly walking forward with Mikey, when I heard something about a guy come out of Brand's mouth. My face scrunched up in confusion. I didn't understand what on earth he was talking about. Mikey heard it too, as he glanced back with me, us both looking over at the ranting Walsh boy.

"She is supposed to be with me, not the pretty boy who was good at football. No, It has to be me. I know her way better than he does. Besides, it's not like they've ever actually met before so my chances have to be pretty high right? Right. I will do whatever it takes so I can be with her. Whether it pisses off Andrews or not. I could care less about him or his pretty face..."

Andi overhears Brand's mini rant and a smile comes across her face, thinking of how cute Brand looks right now and how cute that they would be as a couple.

Meanwhile, Mouth glances over towards the older boy and gives off a chuckle before mimicking him and giving Data and Chunk the cuckoo look by twirling his index finger near his head and pointing towards Brand. This causes Data and Chunk to burst out in laughter. Stef notices it and rolls her eyes after attempting to hide her own little chuckles of the little scene in front of her.

Mikey and I looked over at each other as we looked at the young boys, including my idiotic brother, before calling Brand's name. I rolled my eyes as I looked at my brother who could care less of the situation.

"Uh Brand?" we call in unison.

Brand brings his head up and puts on a smile as he glances between his younger brother and his crush.


"Um..who's Andrews? I question the same time Mikey asks "what girl are you talking about?"

All Brand does is freeze as everyone stops and gathers their attention towards the bandana wearing boy, wondering the same thing.

Author's Note ~

Hey everyone! I finally updated a chapter!! I'm sorry to keep you all waiting so long. But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really wanted to add more of how Brand feels of the whole situation and what other way to do that than by adding a potential conflict in their budding romance with a new character in the mix! I've been liking Charles Melton so he is who I visualize as the other guy who likes Clary at school however you can visualize them however you like.


What do you guys think of Andi?

Is she just messing around or a terrible best friend?

Should Brand make a move?

Should Clary just worry about herself?

Forget about Brand?

Maybe see how things could go with Chase?

Lastly, as always please feel free to vote and let me know your thoughts on my book so far and this chapter below!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I love you all!

              Xx Malyndah

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