Author's Note

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Author's Note ~

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I made some minor changes to the book before I continue forth.

The main thing is I changed the main character from Olivia Stanziale to Olivia Holt. I thought it suited better with the similarities between the appearance of Clarissa and Clarke.

The other changes were very minor tweaks I happened to come across.

However, I do want to say I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I definitely plan to continue this book, so once again sorry for making the anticipation so long for new chapters. I am currently in the midst of another book of my own as well so I'm trying to balance writing and publishing chapters for both books.

Please don't fret I will update as soon as possible!

Thank you all so much and I can't wait for you all to read my book! I hope you all love it

Bye for now!

Xx Malyndah

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