Chapter 2

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"Ginger Snap Bakery, how can I help you?"

"Are you the same guy from yesterday?"

"I'm not sure how I'd know that."

"You suggested the lemon cheesecake to me."

"Oh yes! I remember you."

"Well my dad didn't find any when he passed by, so can you put a slice aside for me?"

"Wait a moment."

The boy put down the phone and shouted to someone nearby. "Can we put things aside for people?"

"I guess so" another male voice answered.

"I can put it aside for you. I guess I should take your name though."

"Tell me yours first."

The boy chuckled. "It's Oscar."

"Interesting. Don't hear that one often."

"What's your name?"

"Juniper Jones. Yeah I know it sounds corny but that's my real name."

"Okay then Juniper Jones, I'll put a slice of lemon cheesecake aside for you."

"While you're at it, could you also put a few other things aside for me? In fact, make a box of your best stuff. Just don't make it cost over 30 or my dad will kill me."

Oscar laughed again. "Alright. I'll put what I think is our best stuff in the box."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a nice day and call any time."

Juniper put down the phone and looked out of her window. The bakery was probably only a couple of blocks away, and yet she didn't feel inclined to go there just yet. Exploring her neighborhood had been boring enough. No, she'd leave it as a surprise. That way when she finally saw it it'd be even better.

"I'm bored." Juniper's sister Janet wandered into her room. "There's nothing to do here."

"Just go watch TV or something."

"What do you think I do all day? We need to get out of this house." "You can go ahead Janet. I've already been around the place 3 times."

Janet sighed again. "I think I'm going to go crazy if I don't find something to do here. It's too quiet."

The girls had come from a way more active neighborhood, so this much quiet was new to them. Janet was taking it much harder because she had no friends around when usually she could hang out with them. Juniper was coping a lot better: she could always play her guitar when she was bored.

"Why don't you text your friends from back home? Surely they're free now." "Good idea."

Janet left the room and Juniper went back to processing the phone call she'd made not long ago.

Soon, she'd have a box of Ginger Snap Bakery's finest products. She hoped it would live up to the hype of their website. Goodness knows she could use some variety.

These better be good Oscar, she thought to herself as she grabbed her phone to call her dad.

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