Now the distance

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Y/n PoV
He kissed me . But I didn't step back at the right time and continued with it . I don't know this just feel right and I feel comfortable around him .
Tae : Ummmmmm..........................................
Y/n :Say something .
Tae : okay Let me get this straight I like you and couldn't help but to kiss you because this may be the last time we will ever meet but I don't want to let you go .  I just want to talk to me for hours , I got jealous when you talked about your ex boyfriend and how he was your first love , I just can't imagine you with any other guy having these long walks or laugh at his jokes . I........... want you to date me .
Y/n : Tae listen this can't happen between us because I am an fan and you are a global superstar . Do even know how much it can effect your career and your life and most importantly we are from to different places you are in Korea and I am an India . I have to start building my own career right now and my parents won't allow us to be together .
Tae : Listen y/n , I know this sudden confession made you feel uncomfortable and think about everything . I know you have a long journey ahead of you and you want to achieve something but I won't get into the way of your dreams and trust me on that nobody understand the meaning of achieving dreams more than me , Second thing my career and the band mates wouldn't be affected by it because we know how are fans are they love us for who we are , being from different places in world doesn't makes it any different person , last thing about your parents they would love me even though we don't speak the same language and trust Namjoon hyung is always there to translate.
( Having a small smile on your face after hearing the last comment)
Y/n : But even if I say yes I won't be able to meet you after this for I don't know how long .
Tae : You don't now need to worry about the distance between us . We can chat daily and take this relationship forward step by step . I know you will be in university soon and parents won't allow you come to Korea but I can come meet you were ever you are in the world. Please accept my confession.

Y/n: okay okay stop acting cute

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Y/n: okay okay stop acting cute . I will say yes but you have to promise me something that you will.......
Tae : yeahhhh I will love you forever.
Y/n  : Stop . Let me complete .
Tae : okay . Please complete .
Y/n : You will love me until you can and if a day comes that you start to doubt your love for me . Then you will just call it off . And Promise me one thing that you will never cheat on me because if you ever did that our love was never real and neither was our relationship.
Tae : Okay I promise you if that day comes when I feel like I don't love anymore even for a second I will tell you . Although that is never gonna happen and I promise I will never cheat on you or never would ever have the thought of cheating on you . But promise me that You will always be with me and talked a little more positive things in life .
Y/n : Yeah .... Okay More positive thoughts about life .
Tae: Yeah . Now I finally have a girlfriend and I am no longer single unlike other members .
Y/n : Tae I think I should go now . My family must be worried.
Tae : Yeah but miss me and text me when you are in jeju island .
Y/n : okay Mr Tae Tae .
(Time skip to bts dorm )
Tae : I am back
Jungkook: what happened? Tell us how did it go .
Tae : Today is her last day in Seoul ( try to act sad )
Namjoon: It's okay . Maybe she wasn't the one or sometimes destiny doesn't favour us .
Tae : But ..........................(He started to laugh )
We kissed and now we are dating and I know it is long distance but we are gonna manage it and have a healthy relationship.
Bts : So that you are no longer single.
Jin: Yeahhhhhhh . I am jealous the oldest should date first .
Bts : Congratulations but at least show us her photo .
Tae : Okay . See

( Shows your Instagram photos to them ) Bts : Yeahh

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( Shows your Instagram photos to them )
Bts : Yeahh . She is really pretty. When are gonna introduce us to her and does she speak Korean .
Tae : Soon most probably when she is back in India and she does speak Korean and she sings too .

< Sorry for late update I was not well enough and didn't had any inspiration . But hope you guys enjoy the story . Next chapter would be updated as soon as possible . Bye and take care .>

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