t w e n t y t w o

Start from the beginning

Jake: it's times like this when i remember why i moved

Bellamy: we get it jake you left us for florida

Harper: no need to rub it in our faces

Clarke: arkadia is totally better anyway

Jake: how

Gaia: uh... welll....

Gaia: most of this awesome family is here

Harper: awesome is one way to describe it

Echo: who forgot to buy food i'm having cravings 

Indra: it was bellamy

Raven: definitely bellamy

Murphy: it was bellamy

Kane: do you guys all live together?

Clarke: ...no

Clarke: why would you think that

Kane: well if bellamy and echo don't live together how can he have forgotten to get her food  

Murphy: fuck he's smart how did mom get with a guy like him

Clarke: i like him can you adopt us

Abby: if you weren't grounded already-

Raven: maybe we should all move in together

Octavia: we'd need a fucking mansion

Octavia: there's like 15 of us

Bellamy: 14

Octavia: ?

Bellamy: there's 15 of us but jake is in florida

Jake: luckily because my definition of hell is being in a house with all of you

Emori: the shade

Raven: well hypothetically if we moved into a house abby would pay all the bills

Bellamy: and hypothetically echo would live in the basement

Echo: woah y'all are disrespecting the pregnant woman

Clarke: and hypothetically the couples would share rooms

Murphy: and hypothetically there would be a guest room for jake

Indra: and hypothetically a few extra rooms in case couples get into fights *cough* abby and kane *cough*

Lexa: and hypothetically which of my girlfriends would i share a room with

Harper: ...

Lincoln: ...

Clarke: ...

Indra: ...


Kane: this is the most dysfunctional family ever

Murphy: and you get to be part of it. yay.

Harper: honestly i doubt my parents would even care

Lexa: aw babe :(

Octavia: omg ur cheating on me 😔

Lexa: nooo you're the loml 💋😍

Kane: anyone else really confused?

Kane: no? just me? ok.

Kane: what have i gotten myself into

Murphy: hell

Clarke: the most dysfunctional family in the history of the world

Harper: if my screenplay i'm writing about this family goes well you've gotten yourself famous

Lexa: babe you're still writing stories about our lives?

Octavia: "babe" 😓

Echo: i still want food

Bellamy: shut up echo

Echo: respect the pregnant woman


Emori: i feel almost bad for him because he has to be part of this family


Bellamy: petition to kick echo from the groupchat:

Harper: where do i sign

Bellamy: on paper with your blood 💅

Kane: is this a cult

Jake: yes

Clarke: no

Emori: probably 

Echo: i just wanted food 😔

Bellamy: starve

Echo: i-

Echo: fine i'll get my own food 

Echo: thanks for the help hoes

Murphy: anytime *dramatic bow*


so if you were wondering the members of the family (and this groupchat) are; indra, gaia, bellamy, octavia, clarke, jake, abby, murphy, kane, lincoln, lexa, harper, raven, emori, and echo 

i'll make more chapters with this groupchat if you want, but the main focus will be the groupchat with all the kids.

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