Bexley Anderson was not from a very well known family and did not have a very strong foothold in the great noble society. So she tried to lay low in this academy, she didn't want to much attention. 

Then she made the mistake of bumping into Eva. 

Eva had a very good reputation, she was nice to everyone. Her very presents lit up the room and on top of that, the first and second prince took a liking toward her. 

This made Eva practically untouchable.


The time in the hallway was not the first time Bex met Eva.

Bex met Eva in an empty classroom. Eva cornered Bex in the classroom, Eva wore a smile upon entering the room but immediately dropped it upon entering. 

Eva's sunny face looked menacing and twisted. Eva stepped toward Bex slowly allowing the fear to fester inside the young girl, the fear showed on Bex's face. It made Eva's power swell, inflated her, and made her look bigger, larger, scarier. 

Eva threatened to use all of her 'Resources' to crush her family. But she wouldn't if Bex befriended Lilly, gather information, and report it all back to her. Eva smiled after she said this and added, "If you do this at till the end of the year when we graduate, your family will be the next biggest thing in noble society."

Bex thoughts turned toward her dad, He was getting sicker. Her mother could only do so much, her being a woman and all. She was the only child and her mother could not have anymore. Her father refused to get a mistress, he respected and loved her mother too much to do that. 

Bex reluctantly nodded and clenched her fist while doing so.  

I'm Sorry, Lilly Winbrooks.


3rd P.O.V.

In Etiquette class children were lined up against the wall. The teacher held a long ruler and was hitting children screaming too, 'Suck it in.' Back straight' 'knees in'.

They went down the line and correcting each child's standing position.

When they were done they walked to the front of the room and joined another teacher. One teacher was a strict looking female teacher and a serious bearded knight. 

"Girls, please stand on the opposite wall of the boys." The girls obeyed and stood opposite the boys.

They were soon informed that the boys will be heading out into the field to practice there swordsmanship.

The girls would practice embroidery of the various major family crests. 

Lilly pouted over by the corner of the wall, Bex was five girls down. But Lilly really wanted to do was swing around a sword. 

They separated the students and parted ways following a single file after there assigned teacher.

Lilly looked over her shoulder at the departing back of Tus. He seemed to sense her stare and glanced back. Lilly smiled and signed, 'Good Luck, Kick their ass's.' 

Tus felt the warm feeling in his chest leave as she departed, after some time a mysterious smile twitched at the corners of his mouth as he departed with the boys.

Leo was standing in front of Tus as he watched Bex depart with the girls. Something was... special about her, He wanted to find out. He smiled a mischievous smile,


That smile soon disappeared when he saw Tus almost smile. His stomach flipped and a cold shudder went down his spine. 

As he and Tus left with the boys, he leaned into Tus and whispered, "Please don't do that anymore." Tus gave him a questioning look, "Don't do that thing with your face again, My soul went to hell and then back in my body." 

Tus scowled and grabbed Leo by the back of the neck and hauled him toward the field.

Tus now had a target for target practice.

HELLO CHILDREN, HOW DID YOU LIKE THAT PLOT TWIST?!?! Things are kicking into gear. Buckle yourself in for this magical carpet ride. 

What kind of world is Lilly living in???

Is Lilly good at Embroidery???

Will Leo survive target practice??? (Place your bets here...) 


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