Chapter Ten, Meeting the Family

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Chapter Ten, Meeting the Family

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Chapter Ten, Meeting the Family

A few weeks later after their first date Jasper had been officially introduced to Orion's family which included all the members of the pack and his parents. He had never received so many threats in one day as he did then. But he wouldn't change it for the world as he knew they only wanted what was best for Orion, which he was glad about. He was glad his precious little mate had a good support network behind and had people that would protect him when he wasn't there to do so himself.

But today. Today it was Orion's turn to meet the family and he knew his mate was worried which is why he had a talk with his family before his parents dropped him off. They had given Orion something called a Portkey that would immediately transfer him back home if it came too much for him all he had to do was touch the gem bracelet and say Máni and it would return him back to his living room. "If anyone doesn't want to meet Orion then go away!" Jasper growled looking directly at Rosalie as he said that. Rosalie huffed throwing down the magazine she was reading, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why should I leave? This is my home! Not his! If anyone wants to meet him go to his house! Why do we have to have a dog.." Rosalie didn't get to finish her rant as she had been picked up and chucked out of the room by Jasper as he let out an almighty roar, his eyes black, posture straighter than normal if that was possible and his Texan accent was thicker than normal signalling the Major was out and he was pissed.

"YOU DO NOT GET TO TALK ABOUT MY MATE LIKE THAT! IF YOU THINK MY WARNINGS ONLY APPLIED TO BELLA AND EDWARD THEN YOU WERE WRONG!! THEY APPLY TO EVERYONE! AND DON'T THINK I WONT FOLLOW THROUGH WITH MY THREATS! Because I will Rosalie and you won't even see me coming!" Major snarled finishing in a deadly calm voice that was somehow more frightening then his shouts.

"Rosalie I have had enough with this behaviour!" Esme said her voice stern and hard. "If you cannot be civil with Orion or even about him then leave! Go hunt to think about what you're doing and calm down! Either come back and be civil or don't come back at all!"
"Rose babe, do you really want to be the cause of Jasper losing his mate?" Emmett asked his mate. "I would have thought you would be happy for Jasper. He's been alone longer than all of us, doesn't he deserve to be with his mate? I know you're overprotective of this family but what you're doing is tearing it apart." Emmett tried to make his wife see reason.

Child of The Moon (Sequel to Moonfoot) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now