9: Being Gross is a Boy Trait

Start from the beginning

"Okay!" Paige reached out as if her arms would stop him from speaking, "Enough of that. Let's just... Nope. No more."

"Got it." Stiles mumbles while sinking back in his own seat, "No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek... who still scares me."

Paige could only nod in agreement, she rubbed her arm again and then raised her hand, "Could I use the bathroom?"

"There's a few more minutes until the end of the day, Ms. Mercier."

"I know, but uh-"

"Is it that time?" A sigh came from the teacher, "Take your bag and go."

"I-" Paige didn't even try to argue and got up from her seat.

She gripped at her arm for a couple more minutes while walking out of the classroom. She was probably having a muscle cramp, which sucked even more. That was when Paige completely stopped walking, she wasn't even thinking but she had kept going. And her arm wasn't really hurting anymore.

Paige furrowed her brows when the bell rang, meaning the day had ended. She exhaled loudly and released a cry of shock when someone grabbed onto her arm. Her eyes connected with Derek's and she wanted to scream again, but he covered her mouth with his palm.

"Don't-" Derek huffed, "Scream."

She tried to speak even with his palm pressed against her mouth, her words muffled against his skin. Paiged reached up and pulled his hand from her mouth, "You look like pure crap." Her eyes widen, "Sorry, that was rude-"

"Where is Scott?"

"Um-" Paige lazily pointed to the doors, "Probably heading home."

Derek stepped back from her, which allowed Paige to really see how badly he currently looked. Like he was honestly dying. He backed away and started to go towards the door without another word to her.

Of course, Paige skipped after him in a mix of concern and wonder. "Why are you looking for Scott? And why do you look like you've got the worst case of Influenza since the early nineteen-hundreds? Are you okay?" She waited for something from him so she quickly scurried to stand in front of him, "I'm being serious this time. Are you really okay?"

"I need to find Scott."

"I know that but are you-" Paige released a shocked yelp when he almost fell, she quickly reached out to catch him. She steadied him with her brows furrowed, a very concentrated look of concern overtaking her, "You're not okay. You can barely keep yourself up."

"Get out of my way."

"I can help, you know." Paige huffed while shifted around to wrap his arm around her shoulders to keep him upright. "Maybe if you didn't have such intense trust issues... You'd realize that. I mean, seriously, if you weren't the alpha this whole time you could have just said something. Save us all the time of wondering and accusing. We got you thrown in jail. Sorry, by the way, but we did find half a dead body on your old property. Oh, shoot, sorry, that was your sister. I'm being insensitive. Oh, look, Stiles' Jeep." She wasn't sure if she breathed during that but she was glad that it was basically over, "Stiles!"

Stiles slammed on his brakes at the sight of her helping Derek, when she suddenly dropped to the ground because Derek dropped all his weight on her. "You've got to be kidding me. This guy's everywhere."

"Okay, wait, you're a lot heavier than you look." Paige grunted while pulling herself out from under him, but noticed the blood on her hands, "Oh! Oh, my God! You're bleeding! Derek, there's blood."

"I know."

"What the hell?" Scott demands as he rushes over to them while cars pile up behind Stiles' jeep, "What are you doing here?"

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