Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Fact 7:

While we're on the topic--

Spinel has developed a few ticks to control her nerves.

-She bites her lip a lot (usually when she's cooking as I've said), no big deal.

-She taps her foot more times than you can count. (this is the one she does the most)

-She flips through pages in a book or newspaper when it's quiet.

-And she'll also play with her hair (lightly tugging it, twirling it, running her fingers through it). She says it's comforting.

Fact 8:

Spinel has a tendency to stare at you. You find her doing it a lot. She'll have a small smile on her face as she stares at you with this dreamy look in her eyes.

She often does this when you're napping, sitting beside her, or when you're cooking and cleaning.

Fact 9:

Spinel fears the day you both will have your first fight. She knows that bickering and fights are bound to happen in the future. It's just a part of being in a relationship. But, she dreads it, she doesn't want to create any tension between you two, in fear that you'll snap and leave her.

So, Spinel has done her best to avoid conflict as much as she can.

Fact 10:

Spinel adores it when you let her kiss your face (not limited to your lips) It's something she likes to do to make you laugh.

Fact 11:

Spinel doesn't like it when people 'check you out'. It makes her fume and she has to resist the urge to smack that person out of their wits.

Fact 12:

Spinel doesn't like the dark. Simple as that.. Not much more I have to say.

Fact 13:

It's a embarrassing topic,

But anytime you're on your 'red days', Spinel takes very good care of you. She's basically your servant, and helps you with almost everything.

-She'll help you get dressed.

-She'll help you down the stairs, even when you're clearly fine.

-She'll help you lay down.

-She'll turn on the TV or any of your electronics for you.

-She'll help you to the bathroom, and patiently wait for you; constantly asking if you're doing alright.

-She'll patiently monitor while you nap, just to be sure you were okay, while worrying that you could be having a bad dream, or you would start cramping and wake up in pain.

-She'll be as calm and docile as she can anytime you have a mood swing, and do her best to help you relax, or do what she can to resolve what's made you upset.

-She'll do her best to restrain herself from smothering you with affection.

-She'll clean for you.

-She'll give you space, or cuddle you all day if you ask her too.

-She'll tuck you in.

-She'll make or bring you food.

-She'll get you heating pads if your cramps are bad.

-She'll make pillow forts as a simple treat where the two of you can just chill and watch movies.

-She'll give you massages

-She'll sing to you.

-She even learned currency so that she can go out and get you any tampons and/or pads.

She's truly the best person to have around on your red days.

Fact 14:

She's become more fond of singing and enjoys singing to you anytime, whether it be to help you relax, to fall asleep, or to cheer you up, she's happy to sing to you.

And finally,

Fact 15:

Spinel gets frightened by many things,



-Some cats

-The Windows startup sounds


-Can openers

-And the 'Crusha' TV- ad.  

Side note:

Spinel has never watched a horror movie, you know she can be easily scared, so you plan to watch a scary movie with her. All the light will be on, and you'll get Garnet to make sure/tell you that nothing bad will happen.

Just a small gift to apologize for my absence.

-Always play- ||| Spinel x Reader  )female(Where stories live. Discover now