
I woke up on Harry's lap, but now there was a blanket draped around me and he was talking on the phone.

"Yeah, come over in say, an hour? We'll work the rest of the details out then. No, no, it's fine. Just bring dinner, I don't feel like cooking."

He hung up and ran a large hand over his face, a loud sigh filling the silence as I opened one eye.

"Hi beautiful," he laughed, helping me sit up. "Jesus, you were out for a good little while."

"I think I have jet lag," I groaned as I held a hand to my head. "God, I'm so tired."

"You can sleep at my place."

"No, I'm staying in a hotel," I frowned as I looked out the window.

He laughed. "The hell you are. You're staying with me."


"Don't even argue Nor, you know I always win."

His arm wrapped around me and I leaned into him, shaking my head to myself as he told the driver to take him home.

It only took like five more minutes until the driver mumbled something and Harry nodded, then came around to my side and opened the door for me.

The house was stunning. (a/n pic attached) Even though it was pitch black and the rain was sheeting now, there were lights plotted every now and then on the lawn so every detail was illuminated.

"Of course you live here," I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't expect anything else from mogul Harry Styles."

"God, I hate that word," he grinned, shaking his head. "I asked them not to use it."

It was quiet for a second before my bags were brought in and carried upstairs. In the meantime, I had time to really look at him. His white shirt was soaked through in the rain so I could see all his new tattoos peeking through, and apparently he had gotten a lot more. They decorated his chest and snaked down his arms, I could only begin to count them. He was also taller and his hair was longer, which made him look older.

"Well," he sighed, breaking my eyes away from his beautiful face. "You probably want a shower so I'll show you the bathroom."

I followed him through a complicated maze of hallways and finally appeared in front of a door. It opened to a huge bedroom with gorgeous windows and a view 100x better than my apartment back home. It overlooked miles of hillside, divided up by roads and buildings but still remaining beautiful and scenic. It was something right out of a magazine.

"This is your room," he beamed as he gestured around proudly. "Your bathroom is right there but it's being renovated so you'll need to use the spare one just down the hall."

"I have to walk down the hall to pee?" I pouted slightly.

"Unless you want me to take you out every two hours with Ernie."

I flicked his arm and he tried to suppress his grin. "You haven't changed a bit, Harry. Not a single bit."


I put my hair up and changed into a pair of comfy leggings and a big shirt, not even bothering put on makeup. Who cares, right? We were practically in the middle of nowhere.

But before I could make it all the way down the (three thousand) stairs, I could hear laughter and giggling from the kitchen.

"-that's what I told her!" A woman's voice said loudly. They both bust out laughing and I sank onto the stairs, hugging my knees and nuzzling my nose into my leg. Of course he had a girlfriend, how had I not seen it? He was successful, funny, handsome, and the kindest person I've ever met. He was any girl's dream.

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