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Please read the note at the end! Thank you lovelies!!!

ur welcome 4 da early update u little hoes

I sat on the counter and dried dishes as Harry washed them. It was quiet between us but it was a nice silence, a content one.

"I want a tattoo," I announced as he dried his hands with the rag.

He raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

"My birthday is in like a week, right?" He nodded. "And that's what I want. A tattoo."

"Have you asked Zayn about it?" He slid into the counter next to me and I shrugged.


"Why not?"

"He scares me."

Harry laughed. "Why? He's like my best mate, Norah. You've known him forever."

"I know that," I said quietly. "But he's just scary."

"Fuck," he said suddenly, his head turning towards me. "Did he try something on you?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Besides making inappropriate sexual jokes and grabbing my ass, no."

"Grabbing your ass," he repeated in a low voice. "When did he do that?"

"I dunno," I shrugged again. "It's not a big-"

His sharp glare stopped the words on my tongue and I shrank back as he picked up his phone and dialed someone's number.

"Please don't-" I begged, tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"Hey Zayn," he grinned into the phone as his hand clamped over my mouth. "Yeah, I was just talking to Norah and-"

"Harry!" I squealed, my voice muffled by his hand. I tried to pry it away but he was too strong, and he was clearly enjoying it.

"- and she was saying she might want a tattoo."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"He wants to know what kind and where."

"I have some ideas on Pinterest," I answered, lacing my fingers with Harry's. "I could show him."

"She said she wants 'I love dìck' right across her forehead."

I snatched the phone from him and slapped his chest, smiling to myself as he winced.

"Hey," I breathed into the phone. "So um-"

"I could do it for free," Zayn's deep voice chuckled. "When do you want it?"

"My birthday is on Thursday," I said quietly.

"Friday it is then," he sighed. Then he hung up.

"He hung up on me," I said incredulously as I handed Harry his phone back. "How rude!"

"He's just like that baby," Harry grinned. "Not very talkative."

He kissed my head and got off the counter, his dimples showing as he stood between my legs.

"So you're getting one?"

"Friday," I answered happily. He whistled.

"Are you sure? I mean that's a pretty short amount of time to think about something that's so...permanent."

I kissed him on the nose and he rolled his eyes. "I'm sure."

"Do you want me to go?"

"Of course."

"Then maybe I'll get one too."

"Shut up," I laughed, draping my arms around his neck. "I bet you'll chicken out."

"Mm, I don't think so," he hummed as his lips pressed softly to my neck. "Would that be alright if I got one with you?"

"I hope you do," I admitted quietly. "That way both our parents can kill us, instead of just mine."

He laughed but was interrupted by Kat's footsteps, accompanied by her loud sigh.

"Are you guys coming?" she groaned. "Niall made me pause the movie."

"Yeah," Harry chuckled. "Be there in a sec."

He turned back to me and kissed me gently on the lips, his breath fanning over my face as I smiled.

We curled up together on the couch, my body laying between his legs and my head resting on his hard chest as the movie picked up again.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly as his hands snuck under my shirt.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled, my eyes closing for the hundredth time.

"We fucked twice today baby," he chuckled. "And like twice yesterday too. I want to know how you're feeling."

I shrugged. "I'm fine, but I think my back is scratched up and I'm a little sore."

"I'll let you have a night off," he smiled softly, his hands rubbing small circles on my lower stomach.

I let my head fall against him as my eyelids got heavier and my limbs started to feel like they were made of lead. I was so tired.

"Sleep baby," he yawned, his arms tightening around my middle.

I didn't fight him and my body melted into his, a smile flickering over my lips as I heard him mutter a quiet "I love you".

so basically there will be like 60(ish) chapters in this part then there will a part 2 with like idk how many but just letting you guys know ((::

my question to you guys is:

do you want Harry and Norah to confess their feelings for each other? Keep in mind that there will be a second part so if they don't now, there's a chance they might later

I'm leaving it up to you guys whether they...
1) tell each other how they feel now (and deal w consequences)
2) realize their feelings for each other in part two (and for now it's just sex)

please comment!!!!

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