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dedicated to @pahola95. thanks for reading and voting!!! xoxo

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! Please enjoy this slightly sad update (:

"Fuck!" Harry yelled again in frustration. He was trying to make the garlic bread he was assigned to watch but it kept burning, and honestly I was surprised he had any hair left from how often he was tugging his hands through it. "This fucking toaster is- well it has to be broken or some shit because I can't-"

"Norah," Kat groaned, shooting me a look. "Would you please help the poor boy?"

"I don't need it," he snapped. "I'm going for a drive anyway, call me when dinner is ready."

He picked up his keys and slammed the door, which shook the walls slightly and set the toaster off again. At least the bread wasn't burnt this time.

"What the hell?" Niall frowned. Kat glared at me.

"Darling," she smiled sweetly at him. "Would you go get us some eggs from the store?"

"Of course," he grinned, leaving a kiss to her lips as he pulled on a jacket. "A dozen?"

She nodded and as soon as he left, turned on me. "What the hell happened?" she scowled. "He was fine when we left to come downstairs."

"I don't know," I shrugged with a sigh. "He just...tried to kiss me and I said no and pushed him away."

She let out a deep breath and sank into a kitchen chair, her black hair falling over her face as she laid her head down.

"Norah," she sighed. "Are you sure this is okay?"

No," I answered as I sat on her lap. "I really don't know what I'm going to do. I mean he's great and everything but I think he's developing feelings for me. Like real ones."

"And you're not doing the same, by chance?"

I leaned against her shoulder and closed my eyes. "I don't know, I'm not sure."

"Oh dear," she breathed heavily. "I think you've really gotten yourself into some deep shit, Nor."

*Harry's POV*

I leaned back against the building and took another long drag of my cigarette, the smoke burning my throat as I breathed out. Fuck.

I tried to kiss her, that was it. It wasn't like I tried to handcuff her or something and yet she acted like I had pulled out a whip and collar. She pushed me away like I was nothing.

I stared at the small cafe across the street and finally stood up, my back popping as I threw my cigarette down and put it out under my boot.

I needed coffee. I was so pissed at everything, not just her. I was pissed at myself for letting it happen and at the world for sending me these painful feelings towards her. I wasn't supposed to have these feelings, it wasn't right. But I still did. She was smart and funny and nice, nicer than anyone I'd ever met. Not to mention she was damn good at just about everything.

"Coffee please," I said shortly to the girl behind the counter. "Black."

She nodded and I tossed a ten onto the counter before slouching into the nearest booth and pulling the beanie over my eyes. I had a pounding headache, I was exhausted, and I was in terrible need of a shower. And I missed Norah already. Dammit.

"Here's your coffee sir," the barista said warmly, her hand brushing mine as she set the cup down.


"I put my number on the receipt," she added after a second. "Just in case you get lonely sometime."

"Uh, thanks," I snorted. "But I'm actually seeing someone. Sorry."

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