"You've been fooling me all this time, I've been fooled by you all this fucking time and you let it be that way" I croaked the words itself sounded foreign to my own tounge as I grunted

His head sag in shame and guilt that did nothing but confirmed my hazy thoughts


'I'll always be your most trusted friend angry bird so no sweat alright?'

"You fucking liar... you dared to call yourself my most trusted friend then hid something this big from me... I'll kill you" I hummed feeling my eyes glaze in hurt and betrayal as I stare helplessly up at the cieleng on the verge of insanity

"I was there when you fucking cry and mourn over your dead cat, you we're fucking there when I mourn over a fucking empty grave" I chuckled darkly as I saw him flinch "I saved you in several deadly occasions, supported you on a variety of stupid decisions, trusted you and fought with you through every fucking missions..." another round of dark laughter as my moist eyes closed once more "And now the only sane thing that's my mind had been chanting is the promise on fighting you, killing you, hating you with my every being..."

"Z-zai... I-I was ordered by the Chief of course how could I say no to—"

"My name is agent Maksimov... there's no such thing is Zai" I snapped "you we're ordered by my father. The father who had never once batted an eyelash at me her daughter in a different way than treating me only just as his trusted special agent... you we're there to witness all of that am I right?"

"Y-yes... Yes I was" he admitted with a tone of defeat

"Hah!" Blowing out a sharp and fake laugh I added with a sneer "you have already chosen a side Torillo... I don't have anything to say to you"

Staring soullessly at nothing in particular I muttered blankly feeling the drug kick yet again

"I just hope I won't see you the second I wake up otherwise I won't be able to restrain myself"

My brain and body seemed to shut down in exhaution the second I let go of the strong grip I had on my comciousness

"I'm sorry"

Then I was out


"His body and mind is still exhausted about what happened, the football had been a trigger to his asthma attack but I'm guessing you all didin't know that this wasn't the only time that he endured this am I right?" The doctor ask raising his eyebrows at me and Darwin and I just gave him a blank stare as Darwin nodded curtly "well it appeared that he had been having several attacks before this most severe one... it took him alot of stress for his body to suddenly give up like that causing him to faint. For now and the following days he needed all the rest he could get"

I turn my head away as Darwin thanked the doctor before he left

"I'll watch over him this time" I stated blankly turning my attention to the still sleeping british asthma boy

I can't believe he had been right under my nose... all this time

"...alright" he hesitated and swiftly left closing the door quietly behind him

As soon as the door clicked shut I push myself from my leaning position on the wall and silently sat on the chair next to his hospital bed

The Agent's PriorityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя